Look at this POTION script. Something wrong with it? I can't get it working... CoolNumber is an "int" property in the WormpleQuest Script.
Scriptname WormplezMagicEffectScript extends activemagiceffect QF_WormpleQuest_01003406 property WormpleQuest autoActorBase Property John autoFurniture Property Thingy autoImageSpaceModifier Property CoolImage autoEvent OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect) WormpleQuest.CoolNumber += 1 utility.wait(1.0) ; it is now possible for the script to do the above before the belowIf WormpleQuest.CoolNumber < 10 If Utility.RandomInt(0, 25) == true Debug.Notification("This is so cool") Elseif Utility.RandomInt(26, 50) == true Debug.Notification("[censored] yeah") Elseif Utility.RandomInt(51, 75) == true Debug.Notification("Winter") Elseif Utility.RandomInt(76, 100) == true Debug.Notification("This is a message") endif If WormpleQuest.CoolNumber > 5 Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(John, 1) endifElseif WormpleQuest.CoolNumber == 10 Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Thingy, 1) CoolImage.ApplyCrossFade() WormpleQuest.SomeFunction() Debug.Notification("Hi Mom")endifEndEvent