I've been playing some 1v1's against good guys, but I'm searching some other guys. Interested? Tell me and add me.
I also added people their playstiles (everyone has a good one ofcours, beacause they are pro's)
flywheelem3 - 30-18 WON (Clean)
Happy_Trippy - 20-18 WON (Rage)
HeelMEN - 20-19 WON (Quick)
Greevuz - 20-8 WON (Well eh... geen idee maat!)
matthiasvdl - 20-13 WON (Clean and rage)
SdA_BlackDevil - 30-28 WON (Beast)
No__RegRet - 20-13 WON (Annoying)
dbzdude_ - 30-19 WON (Accurate)
The4orTy67 - 30-15 WON (Annoying (started after I had 12-1 or so)
dylanb_77 - 13-7 WON (Beast and rage and clean) (Lag beacause distance. He left after 13 kills, no rematch)
enesrko123 - 17-30 LOST (The lag was so bad! + He was C4-camping -_-')
janande - 20-4 WON (Newbie with potential)
hondafun - 20-11 WON (Old French noob veteran, weird)
pppyyuu - 20-19 WON (Good, after loss said I was noob @_@)
SOLIDER-ELITE - 20-2 WON (What was going on Solider? Good playstile)
- conan250
- DanMay16 (halfway interrupted)
- donotdothism8