Well, if you have to go the NPC route, I
think it's possible to "trap" her via a script - I would have to look into it first. There's a get spell effect function that can determine if an NPC is under the influence of a particular spell, like soul trap. If she was when she died, the script could check to see if the player has an empty Azura's start, and if so, swap it out with one filled with her soul. Fliggerty or Yacoby should know for sure if that was possible.

Still, keep up the good work.
Yes, but I'm absolutely useless at scripting... of course, I'm also absolutely useless at combining meshes in NifSkope (crashes the CS every time!) so either way I'm not about to be able to do this by myself. Every time I try to do something complicated I am reminded that hey, I'm a texture artist, but I'm not really anything else...
Considering that you only get one Azuras Star and that it isn't wildly powerful for enchanting anyway (yes, you can do constant effect, but you're going to run out of enchanting space on the item before you run out of spell power) does she even need to be made trapable?
Maybe its just me, but I never saw the point. And people would be perfectly able to choose whether a body replacer or a trappable soul was more important to them.
Maybe it's just me, but I rather enjoy having her soul as a trophy!
How did you get NifSkope to have a background other than black? I've been wanting to change it, but I have yet to figure out how to accomplish that.
Perhaps the shot was taken in the Construction Set? Just a guess...
Hmm, now that I look at the original Azura I'd like to see the BB Azura in a fuller, more flowing dress... like the other dress model NioLiv made. Shouldn't be too hard to convert, they take the same texture maps!