I made an Imperial that is a very paladin-ish character(and rules in RP-ing). I'm just wondering what type of armor that would fit a Paladin(or Crusader since this is TES) that isn't the Armor of the Crusader from kotn. Is it any suggestions? It doesn't matter if it is heavy or light.
Mithril is kind of nice for the "shine", but too bad it's light. Or maybe you could go for this considering heavy or light armor pretty much balances out in the end. :shrug:
I have started too think that I might use http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Shivering:Amber_Armor armor. Well, without the helmet. If I don't think it fit I either go with a steel/mithril combination( with steel cuirass and greaves and the rest is mithril) or the dwemer armor. Thank for the replies