» Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:23 am
its not the fact that it looks low res when it zoomz in its the fact that the first ones used higher res textures and overall looked better. Games graphics are supposed to get better, not worse. Im enjoying the game but it does anger me it looks identical to the 360 version.
Let me get this straight. It doesn't matter how good a game looks, but games just have to look BETTER. Even if the game looks totally brilliant that doesn't matter because it has to be better than the last one? Ok.
The game looks pretty darn good compared to all the other things out there and runs even better. Oh, but of course that doesn't matter. The game looks good and runs good but what's this? Some console you don't even play on looks similar? All the good looks and good performance doesn't matter any more because you want your system to feel superior? Ok.
Faith in humanity = -100000
I agree with you at 100%, i don′t undertstand why so much hate about Crysis 2 graphics.Yes, grass for me looks kinda bad and i even a have a graphic glitch(ground is too black) and i can sware that sometimes i get that ground texture as it should be, depends on servers and times(at least for me).I just can′t remember the map′s name where sometimes i got good textures and others got 'black ground textures'(talking about Multiplayer ofc.)
I played Crysis 1 and yes the graphics are better than Crysis 2(if they update the game with dx11, it will look better, dont forget it), but you to have(easy, not necessarily admit just a bad expression lol)admit that Crysis 2 Multiplayer is better than Crysis 1 Multiplayer(and yes i have the original Crysis and i played MP a lot besides of being a Cod player(not anymore).Example: People complaining about maps being small and linear is stupid. in my opinion, yes, they are small when comparing to an Island scenario, but for me New York was a good choice,a good change after two Crysis in a Island...the maps are not defenitely so much linear as people complain(ex:nice elevations, variety of paths(you can go from A to B in many ways in the majority of maps), also the nanosuit is better now and more balanced and if you want to use vehicles just go Single Player.Crysis 2 gives us less freedom, but camone we are playing in NYC locations and they look nice and play nice,so, why so much complain?
Once patched, this game will rock even more and if the dx11 support came along with some official advanced graphics options, that will be a blast!
Suggestion: Cry-Adam(Crytek) if you read this(i know it′s off topic) please consider seriously the implementation of Punkbuster anti-cheat and let server admins control the server, instead of just a defined map cycle, also an option to vote kick would be nice!
A Multiplayer tip: to efficiently track stats, do the 'customize equipment thing' in a lobbie(i join a empty one just to change modules, weapons, attachments,dog tags), then leave the lobbie, close the game, re-open it ad you will see that everything is saved.
Stop wasting time hating in stupid things, time is precious and some people just spend too much time posting insults and being a douche in theses forums(It′s my opinion, you could hate on it, i don′t care)
Take care...