Looking for better textures? Well you already got them!

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:05 pm

The game and more than likely the engine are currently incomplete. EA pushed Crytek to get the damn thing done so Crytek got it in a playable/working state. Most of the features are not present and still have to be added when they are finished. Crytek is still working on the game and just because they have a 1.2 patch for the 360 doesn't say that they are favoring that platform. The thing is is that the console patch does not = the PC patch. The consoles patch is 2-5MB and a PC patch can be from 40MB-1GB or larger depending on the amount of data that is being patched. The consoles done allow for these large patches so they get many many small patches.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:48 am

Its always the greedy publisher who pushes the developer so they release a unfinished game.

lol yea modded

yep modded.graphics as it should be.lets wait how crysis 2 will look modded.



I create texture pack (some textures are changed on hi res).

you should make a thread for this
I very bad speek eng.... :) But now i think about new version of pack and find new textures...

спасибо за этот прохладный пакет текстур :)
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He got the
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:32 am

HiRes Upadate 1:
Extract to Crysis 2 folder (first version of pack must be installed). Update replace some textures, for example, asphalt:
No Pack (bad yellow asphalt):
Pack (good normal asphalt):
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:24 am

Wow, so this is what most people are pissed about? Sorry but when I play I do not zoom in on the ground or any object for that matter just to bich about it later. If it looks fine from normal viewing distance (i.e. while you're PLAYING the game and not scrutinizing every damn object) then it's fine for me.

These WAAAAHHHHH CRYSIS 1 IS BETTAH WAAAHHHHH people are passing off as people who just want a real life simulation to me. You know what? Go outside. Bask in the sun. Ultra HD graphics in 3D right there for no cost. When you feel like PLAYING a game, come back to us.

I totally agree man.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:35 pm


Do you even know what Crysis is? Or what it represents for PC gaming?
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

Well, if you want excellence in PC gaming you have to buy indie games. A lot of them are way better than C2 (graphics) and there are new ones coming soon with high details everywhere and amazing gameplay.
Basically indie developers are keeping the PC game industry alive, like once was Crytek but now.

Give some examples, names of those games.

Red Orchestra 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkk3SiywLHI
Natural Selection 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR4_To6Y1k8
Orion Prelude http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnacu2-11Lg
Section 8 prejudice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AB51xrqp9s

check em out really neat concepts
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:06 am

this thread should be pined i believe
to fix developer's **** up lol
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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:44 am

this thread should be pined i believe
to fix developer's **** up lol

agree.but I doubt they fix anything.its up to the modders again.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:35 am

its not the fact that it looks low res when it zoomz in its the fact that the first ones used higher res textures and overall looked better. Games graphics are supposed to get better, not worse. Im enjoying the game but it does anger me it looks identical to the 360 version.

Let me get this straight. It doesn't matter how good a game looks, but games just have to look BETTER. Even if the game looks totally brilliant that doesn't matter because it has to be better than the last one? Ok.

The game looks pretty darn good compared to all the other things out there and runs even better. Oh, but of course that doesn't matter. The game looks good and runs good but what's this? Some console you don't even play on looks similar? All the good looks and good performance doesn't matter any more because you want your system to feel superior? Ok.

Faith in humanity = -100000

You do realise that most PC gamers are annoyed because graphics are sub-par compared to Crysis or Warhead BECAUSE OF CONSOLES?

Crytek have turned their back on the PC community, and it's the PC community that started them off.

And the PC IS superiour, that's the whole point of me buying a graphics card that costs more than a 360... But because of Crytek/EA greed they decide to not put as much effort into the PC version so that they could get more sales on the Consoles.

Crysis 2 = 360 port to PC/PS3.
The graphics are only as strong as the weakest console designed to run it.
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Tiffany Castillo
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:47 am

opv1988 textur package doenst work on 1.4 anymore.getting grafik bugs.especially on surface and fire.

log report



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Jah Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:30 pm

Wow, so this is what most people are pissed about? Sorry but when I play I do not zoom in on the ground or any object for that matter just to bich about it later. If it looks fine from normal viewing distance (i.e. while you're PLAYING the game and not scrutinizing every damn object) then it's fine for me.

These WAAAAHHHHH CRYSIS 1 IS BETTAH WAAAHHHHH people are passing off as people who just want a real life simulation to me. You know what? Go outside. Bask in the sun. Ultra HD graphics in 3D right there for no cost. When you feel like PLAYING a game, come back to us.

You and the 4 other 4 guru's who complain about complainers? Yeah, you are just superior to everyone here. Damn, if only we were more like you!
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:13 pm

hey am having a few porblems with this game , when i go outside the sun is like this big strobe light it flickers no stop untill i go inside . im really confused with this problem , i have crossfire 6850 ati , but not sure if they are working together ??? really could do with help getting them up and running ! in the driver menu for this theres a tick box to enable it ( in configure ) but in diagnostics the is a scroll box with nothing in it to pick nor view and above it says this is the staus of ur setup . im so lost why cant they just make it easy please help Marc.
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:23 pm

hey am having a few porblems with this game , when i go outside the sun is like this big strobe light it flickers no stop untill i go inside . im really confused with this problem , i have crossfire 6850 ati , but not sure if they are working together ??? really could do with help getting them up and running ! in the driver menu for this theres a tick box to enable it ( in configure ) but in diagnostics the is a scroll box with nothing in it to pick nor view and above it says this is the staus of ur setup . im so lost why cant they just make it easy please help Marc.

That's a CF multi-GPU issue.
Please download the latest CrossFire Application Profile (a.k.a. 'CAP') from the following link:

If you haven't already, it's probably a good idea to also update the graphics drivers

You can also rename the Crysis 2 executable so the driver package believes it is another game [whatever you rename it to, for example 'FEAR']. This may also grant you more frames per second as it did when I was on a 5770 CF setup.

Hope that helps,

- Alistair
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