What angered me the most are the ver low res gras and ground- textures in Crysis 2.
Well if you own Crysis or Wars/ Warhead you can extract the textures from the .pak file and put them into your Crysis 2 gamefolder. Trust me it works!
For example:
the Crysis 2 grasstexture:
the replaced Crysis 1 texture:
I didnt figured that out myself ..so big respect for doomlord52 from Crymod.com
Here is another example how your ground textures could look like:
Some guys over there are already working on a HD texturepack for Crysis 2.. it seems that a few textures got recycled by Crytek ( but scaled down to 512*512 mostly) but all the object textures are new ones. So its still far away till we see a " real"Crysis 2 HD texturepack instead of these simple replacements.