Looking for a clothing modeller to help on project

Post » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:06 am

As many of you know, I once had a modding team for Fallout 3, and we ported some of our assets over to New Vegas. Since that time, the team has gone its separate ways, as each of us has....a life :D

So, I find myself with a project on my hands and no modeller to assist me.

Its a fairly simple group of projects...about 6 outfits, two of which exist already and just need their textures adjusted to fit the female version correctly.

I intend on taking all of the 'cowboy-esque' outfits in the vanilla game, and possibly the dusters from the expansions, and modifying some of their features and the textures. Below is the first project. If you can help with this, please contact me here!

1. Ranger 'vest' outfit:

-Remove radio from strap
-Replace radio with a courier pouch at ends of strap
-add shoulder armor (pauldron) like on armored vault outfit

See? fairly straightforward project(s)!

But I desperately need help :)
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Kayla Keizer
Posts: 3357
Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:31 pm

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