Greetings, all! I am looking for a mod to add new lore-friendly Daedric summoning spells (Scamps, clannfear, winged twilights et cetera). I have spent some time searching the Nexus, and have yet to find anything. Does anyone know if there is such a mod on the Nexus? It also must be compatable with SkyRe, Skyrim Immersive Creatures, and Daedra of Coldharbour (and everything else in my load order, but those are the only ones that change anything Conjuration or Daedra related). I did find a Xivilai race mod that adds summons and mobs, but it requires a body replacer that I don't want, and Daedra of Coldharbour already adds Xivilai summons (but no mobs), so that is a last resort for me. Thanks in advance for any help you may provide