Looking for Creature Gender Diversity Mods

Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:17 am

One thing that's always bugged me about oblivion is that every non-human enemy in the game is apparently from a mono-gendered race. Makes you wonder how they reproduce. Are there any mods that give monsters genders? Female dremora, ogres, goblins, zombies, xivilai, male spriggans and spider daedra, etc.

However, I really, really, really DO NOT want mods that overly sixualize the monsters. I'm looking for immersion and realism, not titillation. So no giant boobies or erect [censored] please. Nudity is fine so long as it's natural and not pormographic in nature. I wish I did not have to specify this but unfortunately every single mod I've been able to find that adds opposite gender versions of monsters to the game does this!
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:37 am

Mr_Siika has female http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33670 but it's a resource. The included esp is only a sample village so you would have to add them to the game yourself.

edit. link corrected! But here's http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36726 anyway for anyone interested.
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Rebekah Rebekah Nicole
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:18 am

Lol, you linked to the wrong mod but Minotaur Headbutt looks like a pretty cool mod too, think I'll try it out!
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 3:43 am

There's sixualized creatures, which is exactly what you do not want. There's a creature diversity mod, but it doesn't do much for sixual diversity, except adding female liches and minotaurs, so far as I can tell. The other two prominent diversity mods are just for undead, expanding the races to include races other than human ones. Honestly, I can't think of anything that fits exactly what you want.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:22 pm

Ah, creature diversity! Seems that's been updated quite a bit since I last looked at it. Yup, it's got a female minotaur which isn't even remotely sixy! The female lich is still pretty sixy though, which is kind of creepy considering she's dead and rotten and all, but I'll take what I can get. The rest of the mod is more than awesome enough to make up for that.

There's sixualized creatures, which is exactly what you do not want.

Oh boy, I remember that mod. I thought it had a few good ideas, such as removing all monster clothing from their models and turning them into actual clothes that you could loot and wear (Xivilai loinclothes were awesome), but overall it was too childish and vulgar for me to actually want to use it. I'm talking ogres with 4 foot long erect rods vulgar here, way over the top.

Still, I've nothing against those kind of mods (nobody is forcing me to use them) but dang the people who use them can be freakin' creepy. Back before it was removed from the Nexus I posted a comment that complimented the idea of the mod but questioned a few choices (why would elementals need genitalia?) and asking if he ever planned to release a "work safe" version. I even endorsed the mod. Rebel O' Conner was polite but declined any interest in making one, which is fine with me. But suddenly AlienSlof and a couple other ganged up and jumped down my throat, basically accusing be of being some kind of overbearing moral guardian trying to force my puritan world view on others and calling me a terrible person for wanting to play Oblivion at work (yes, they chose to interpret "work-safe" literally). It was vicious and almost entirely attacking a bizarre strawman instead of anything I actually said.

I backed away slowly and never looked back at the mod. Let the self-rightous perverts keep their fetish mod, I've no interest in that.

[Edit] Just to be clear, that wasn't meant as a slight against Rebel O' Conner. He never said anything offensive to me. But his fanbase is creepy.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 10:34 am

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14532 (the link should be ok - unless Goblins with boobs are too risque?)

It has a mature version that assigns gender - to get them you need to use the meshes.

It mostly though is a retexture pack and the preferred pack prior to Mythic Creatures which is better for textures.

I've not tried the meshes myself.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 7:10 am

Ehhh, I'd imagine those who are interested in and develop mods like that are probably used to years of varying degress of ostracism for their interests, so it wouldn't surprise me they might be quick to defend or see attacks where there are none. I don't know the "history" there but I know it's kind of a difficult situation. I'd prefer not to have a sixualized Oblivion, but I'm not going to judge anyone for having that interest, lest I be judged for boosting my game's color saturation :o so scandalous in the "brown age" of videogames

EDIT: oh god please don't misinterpret "brown age". talk about fetish mods!!!!!
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:00 am

WAC (Waalx Animals & Creatures) does just that. It creates distinct non-perverted gender differentiation for ogres, imps, xivilai, and probably more that I'm not remembering right now.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 11:29 pm

Are you kidding me - ostracized?

sixualized mods are huge - just look at all the naked female cartoons on Nexus. And this is the case not just for Oblivion - but many moddable games.

{ ... :whisper: ... but yeah I ostracize them in the real world...}
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 2:43 am

I mean, as a whole, people who don't use those mods are far more likely to have individuals that consider those who do use those mods freaky weirdo perverts, whereas within the group of people who use those mods, I kind of doubt anyone thinks of non-users of the mods as prudish losers. But maybe I'm wrong!!! I mean I'd totally defend those folks any day but I'm guilty of sharing hilarious pictures of ten foot daedric erections with non-Oblivion playing friends. Also the pubic hair mod with the "[censored] shaver" item that one is the best

Also be warned that WAC's giant green naked she-demons have briasts shaped like anti-gravity pillows or something

I can't get over it
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:52 pm

Ah, creature diversity! Seems that's been updated quite a bit since I last looked at it. Yup, it's got a female minotaur which isn't even remotely sixy! The female lich is still pretty sixy though, which is kind of creepy considering she's dead and rotten and all, but I'll take what I can get. The rest of the mod is more than awesome enough to make up for that.

Oh boy, I remember that mod. I thought it had a few good ideas, such as removing all monster clothing from their models and turning them into actual clothes that you could loot and wear (Xivilai loinclothes were awesome), but overall it was too childish and vulgar for me to actually want to use it. I'm talking ogres with 4 foot long erect rods vulgar here, way over the top.

Still, I've nothing against those kind of mods (nobody is forcing me to use them) but dang the people who use them can be freakin' creepy. Back before it was removed from the Nexus I posted a comment that complimented the idea of the mod but questioned a few choices (why would elementals need genitalia?) and asking if he ever planned to release a "work safe" version. I even endorsed the mod. Rebel O' Conner was polite but declined any interest in making one, which is fine with me. But suddenly AlienSlof and a couple other ganged up and jumped down my throat, basically accusing be of being some kind of overbearing moral guardian trying to force my puritan world view on others and calling me a terrible person for wanting to play Oblivion at work (yes, they chose to interpret "work-safe" literally). It was vicious and almost entirely attacking a bizarre strawman instead of anything I actually said.

I backed away slowly and never looked back at the mod. Let the self-rightous perverts keep their fetish mod, I've no interest in that.

[Edit] Just to be clear, that wasn't meant as a slight against Rebel O' Conner. He never said anything offensive to me. But his fanbase is creepy.

Yeah. I'll admit to having odd tastes myself, but honestly, that mod went wa-a-ay too far for me to find comfortable playing, not to mention breaking the sense of immersion. Fact is, goblins are intelligent enough to use tools, so I'd expect them to wear clothing, and even basic armor. I would not expect them to go charging into combat in a visible state of arousal.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:02 am

WAC (Waalx Animals & Creatures) does just that. It creates distinct non-perverted gender differentiation for ogres, imps, xivilai, and probably more that I'm not remembering right now.

It really has all that? I've always been intrigued by WAC but I was turned off by the unleveled nature of it. There's little so unfun as being ganked by a level 20 monster at level 1 at random. (It's not a problem if the high level monsters are in pre-determined areas you can avoid, but never knowing if the next random spawn is going to eat your face drives me nuts.)

Also I can't seem to find any good preview screenshots of what the mod adds. All the screenshots linked to in the download thread at Waalx's forum are thumbnail size.

Yeah. I'll admit to having odd tastes myself, but honestly, that mod went wa-a-ay too far for me to find comfortable playing, not to mention breaking the sense of immersion. Fact is, goblins are intelligent enough to use tools, so I'd expect them to wear clothing, and even basic armor. I would not expect them to go charging into combat in a visible state of arousal.

Yeah, I like realism but I also like being able to play my game without having to lock my doors first. Or having to make up awkward excuses to my pre-teen sister for why she isn't allowed to play Oblivion on my computer. So while I still install HGEC I also keep the underwear textures on.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:01 am

Also I can't seem to find any good preview screenshots of what the mod adds. All the screenshots linked to in the download thread at Waalx's forum are thumbnail size.

You mean http://waalx.com/RealSwordsForum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=280 - click on them.

Dalls will handle the vanilla creatures from what I understand.
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james tait
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:00 am

As amazing a project WAC is, it's kind of poorly documented. So not only aren't there easily accessible pictures of all the stuff it adds but there's no master list of what it adds either. I guess it's kind of fun coming across new stuff still. The giant naked green she-demons were quite the surprise

Also maybe I haven't been paying attention or just haven't played enough but I can't recall ever coming across female ogres or imps. Maybe the differences are too subtle?
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:26 pm

This is interesting. I think the reason there has not been much interest in this type of mod is because most of the female monsters would not be very attractive. Now that you bring it up, I would like this as well, because the lack of female monsters in community lairs seems rather bizarre now that I think about it. Surely not all of these races are like Tolkien's ents. The Entwives had gone missing, but respawning living creatures surely must be breeding. I have no interest in sixy monsters running around, but more diversity here would be good for immersion.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 1:53 pm

Oh AlienSlof's horse pack also has well-done male and female versions of each horse type. I figure an adventurer would probably be too busy adventuring to notice the gender of rats, wolves, mountain lions, or boars though. For mythic creatures, my thoughts on the matter have always been that these are creatures born of magic, so they would have no need for gender. Female dremora exist but only one was actually put in the game - might be cool to add a rare chance for a female version of each rank to appear in the leveled lists.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:39 am

You mean http://waalx.com/RealSwordsForum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=280 - click on them.

Dalls will handle the vanilla creatures from what I understand.

Wow, those are some nice screenshots. I think I'm going to have to try this mod out even if it's unleveled, there's just so many awesome things in it.

Also, I found a screenshot of a female Xivilai. She's topless and attractive in a way but definitely not sixualized. In fact she's as scary looking as the male ones. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for here.

Thaks for the link to Dall's mod, I hadn't seen that before.

Also be warned that WAC's giant green naked she-demons have briasts shaped like anti-gravity pillows or something

I can't get over it

Lol, I haven't found a screenshot of that yet! Doesn't sound like that fits too well with the general style of monsters adds by WAC, how bizarre.


Oh AlienSlof's horse pack also has well-done male and female versions of each horse type. I figure an adventurer would probably be too busy adventuring to notice the gender of rats, wolves, mountain lions, or boars though. For mythic creatures, my thoughts on the matter have always been that these are creatures born of magic, so they would have no need for gender. Female dremora exist but only one was actually put in the game - might be cool to add a rare chance for a female version of each rank to appear in the leveled lists.

Yeah I don't care what the gender of animals are, I'm not some weirdo who goes around checking the junk of dead rats, and you are right that elementals and such having genders would be pointless. I'm looking for more gender variety among enemies that logically should have noticeably different genders.

Now you've made me wonder though, why do dremora, golden saints and dark seducers have genders? They're immortal, eternal beings that cannot be truly killed. They don't reproduce, do they? One would think their planes would get awfully crowded if they do.

I do need a mod that adds female dremora to the game. I've seen a few of them, which one is the best?
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Mel E
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:39 am

I was looking into this as well some time ago, and also created a thread http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1169502-ideareq-different-gender-varieties-for-every-creature/. Not much else turned up, but I thought I'd link to it in case people thought it was useful.
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Post » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:09 am

I do need a mod that adds female dremora to the game. I've seen a few of them, which one is the best?

http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11376 - for now this one..

but I have something similair to this in works, new faces , tweaks, etc..

updated voices that do not cut off and expanded to work with OOO/MMM/FCOM configs..
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