You mean - click on them.
Dalls will handle the vanilla creatures from what I understand.
Wow, those are some nice screenshots. I think I'm going to have to try this mod out even if it's unleveled, there's just so many awesome things in it.
Also, I found a screenshot of a female Xivilai. She's topless and attractive in a way but definitely not sixualized. In fact she's as scary looking as the male ones. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for here.
Thaks for the link to Dall's mod, I hadn't seen that before.
Also be warned that WAC's giant green naked she-demons have briasts shaped like anti-gravity pillows or something
I can't get over it
Lol, I haven't found a screenshot of that yet! Doesn't sound like that fits too well with the general style of monsters adds by WAC, how bizarre.
Oh AlienSlof's horse pack also has well-done male and female versions of each horse type. I figure an adventurer would probably be too busy adventuring to notice the gender of rats, wolves, mountain lions, or boars though. For mythic creatures, my thoughts on the matter have always been that these are creatures born of magic, so they would have no need for gender. Female dremora exist but only one was actually put in the game - might be cool to add a rare chance for a female version of each rank to appear in the leveled lists.
Yeah I don't care what the gender of animals are, I'm not some weirdo who goes around checking the junk of dead rats, and you are right that elementals and such having genders would be pointless. I'm looking for more gender variety among enemies that logically should have noticeably different genders.
Now you've made me wonder though, why do dremora, golden saints and dark seducers have genders? They're immortal, eternal beings that cannot be truly killed. They don't reproduce, do they? One would think their planes would get awfully crowded if they do.
I do need a mod that adds female dremora to the game. I've seen a few of them, which one is the best?