Looking for a dedicated indvidual(s)

Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 2:20 pm

Hello all!

I am here looking for a dedicated individual(s) that are interested in starting a new gaming community. I started my first community in 2004, but it has recently lacked the creativity and vision needed to survive. I tried countless times to get my staff to adapt to changes in the gaming community but as time passed they slowly became resistant to change which lead to the downfall of my community. My once booming community of several thousand members has declined sharply over the past few years and has hit rock bottom this year. I am currently down to around 100 members. I have gotten rid of all of my staff members in an attempt to start fresh and new. My partner who I started the community with back in 2004 has agreed to return and assist me in the revamp of the community. We are currently looking for individuals who are extremely dedicated and passionate about gaming.

As you are, I am extremely excited for the release of The New Order and cant wait to get my hands on it. I would love to spread my passion of gaming and community into this game but I need help.

Starting and maintaining a community is not a simple task and requires a great deal of dedication. The two of us started our first community by sitting in a mIRC chat room one night talking about all these great ideas we had and just ran with it from there. Our simple late night chat quickly turned into a thousand member + community that brought fellow gamers together from all across the world. We want to do it again but this time make it stand the test of time and improve on all the issues we ran into the first time around. We can provide all the basics needed except for fellow gamers with the same passion. That’s why I’m here. If you think you share in the vision we have or just want to learn more about us, please get in contact with me.

Our previous community was comprised of several different games but we were most known for our servers within counterstrike, c&c renegade, and more recently dayZ. We hosted and ran several tournaments within these games which raised extraordinary praise in the gaming community. Our tournaments always were the cornerstone of the community. We wish to revamp our entire server process and get our name out there again as being the best place to have a great gaming experience.

Other features of our community included and will still retain are:
- mIRC server
- Team-speak/Ventrilo Severs
- Community and game specific tournaments and contests.
- A well developed and laid out chain of command that allows for promotion and recognition to those who deserve it.
- A dedicated staff whose sole purpose is to farther the development of the community and resolve any problems that arise quickly and effectively.

In closing, I am merely here looking for people who share the same passion for online gaming as we do. If you think that’s you please, please, please shoot me an email or respond to this tread. You will join one of the best teams in the business. We will provide great gaming experiences for gamers everywhere that you will be proud to call your own.

If you are interested please contact me by replying to this post, sending me an email at ttpgaming@yahoo.com, or checking out our new forums at ttp-gaming.net and sending me a message (Vinny)

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jessica sonny
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Post » Sat Mar 08, 2014 4:49 pm

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