I've been playing Morrowind and Oblivion for ages, and I love everything Bethesda has done so far, even with the annoying bugs here and there. I was wondering if there's a Tempus Fugit type of ring made for FO3. And maybe a type of Necessities Of Morrowind made for FO3, or similar mods/tweaks. I'm trying to make my game as realistic as possible, and i'd like to start with the basics.
Not sure about a Tempus Fugit ring. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1083717-relz-fwe-fo3-wanderers-edition-%2336/ comes with an ingame menu via which you can control lots of features, including timescale. It also comes with several realism mods merged, such as Primary Needs etc. It's an awesome mod, so you might want to check it out.
http://amito.freehostia.com/Fallout/FO-mods.htm is a good place to start as her main focus is realism. Also, her http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1079218-relz-arwens-realism-tweaks-thread-%236/ is an alternative to FWE. Not using it myself but it seems excellent.