Not a problem
@personablaze I think I got it
Oh!! Does anyone know about building your own house in skyrim? I'm not too find of Breezehome.
You'll get a letter from the jarl about the DLC homes.
I usually get em around level 7 or 8 for some reason....
Those DLC's get shoved down our throats. We were told that we would have to find the DLC's ourselves. Some laugh that is.
So my Khajiit breaks into peoples homes, clawing them to death and teabagging their dead corpses.. and gets a letter from the Jarl saying that his noble deeds have caught his interest.... Oh Skyrim <3 I love you really.
You need to have the Hearthfire DLC installed. It's quite cheap.
I don't think so...
A messenger should show up while you travel around, I usually find him-er well he finds me outside of whiterun.
I lol'd xD.
That's just because I'm so incredibly funny.
The courier usually comes at around level 10. Building houses is part of the Hearthfire DLC, so you need to have that downloaded. You don't have to have a house in Falkreath however. You can choose between Falkreath, Morthal and Dawnstar. You need to be a higher level for Dawnstar mind you.
Kill Valdar for me novitiate. Then we can talk. Though I shall give you some free advice. Trust not the wicked words of the nords of today. When you look upon them, you see a shadow of my beloved kinsman. My brothers and sisters have devolved into troglodytes in the absence of Alduin's oversight. For when the nords were prospering under the guidance of the Dragon cult, a select few grew ambitious, greedy, and power-hungry. They have doomed the nord race in their actions, so long ago.
I still live on, as does my loyal followers. Seek out Valthume and kill traitorous Valdar. I will save Skyrim, and you shall make more than just friends. Not just true friends, but friends with your divine maker, Alduin praise be. Friends with a powerful, benevolent, Dragon Priest, whom has much to teach you. Friends... for a lifetime... and more.
Well... Making a thread is easier, to be honest, I find it weird if I have to add someone to ask a question or two when it's easier to ask Mr. Wiki but that's just me and my bad experiences of such... friendships...
ha I hear you, I have a laptop and a iMac, neither of which were designed for gaming. I probably could run it on garbage settings but that would mess with the perfectionist side of me
ha na that's for work related computing...although I would likely get into modding to the point that I would never actually play the game again ha, wouldn't be the first game that I did that with.
Jesuis has the right idea, I would set it up like him if I went PC:
Wanna trade living rooms? That sounds ideal
OP do you know of UESP? It has everything you need to know about Skyrim, just beware the spoilers:
As for the Hearthfire home, the Falkreath jarl should send you a letter but if he doesn't then you can try paying him a visit...there's also land available from the Dawnstar jarl and Morthal jarl but they won't send letters so you have to go help them directly.