Are you willing to have the armor altered? Because pretty soon I'll be releasing my mod which changes (I'd like to say balances, but that might be biased) the stats of HELLUVA armor/weapons (with the option to similarly have vanilla stuff balanced likewise). It will result in lower weapon/armor prices though, if that's a turn off...
i checked out HELLUVA but some of it looked too bright and colorful for my tastes. i like my morrowind dreary and depressing looking.

im using BTB stuff right now so it probably already makes changes to the armor since he did make changes to the weapons. im always looking for more balance so if BTB didnt touch vanilla armor settings ill definitely use yours. i just dont have the patience to go and edit everything like i did for oblivion.
@grubbly........i used assassins armory before.....probably will again after i change the stats to be inline with BTBs stats. that was an awesome mod. im desperately trying to keep the game as vanilla as possible minus graphic improvements although im failing spectacular since just downloaded that new staff mod. :sadvaultboy: