Looking for help - conflict with Unofficial Shivering Isles

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:53 am

As you may have seen elsewhere, I am working on a mod that adds several new Amber and Madness weapons to SI. As part of this update, the posters that hang in the New Shoeth Smithies (Cutter's Weapons and The Missing Pauldron) need to be updated.

The original SI posters are SE30AmberList and SE30MadnessList. I have updated the text on these, and everything works fine...so long as the Unofficial SI Patch isn't installed.
The Unofficial Patch deletes these two references from the Smithies, and replaces them with USIPSE30AmberListStatic and USIPSE30MadnessListStatic. Because the two new items use the original text, a player running both my mod and the Unofficial Patch will only see the OLD text in-game.

I'm looking for advice on how to override the Unofficial Shivering Isles patch to fix this. I've tried several approaches, to no avail:
(1) Delete the USIPSE30AmberListStatic and USIPSE30MadnessListStatic references, replacing with my version of SE30AmberList and SE30MadnessList -> causes CS crash on save
(2) Load my mod before the Unofficial Patch -> makes no difference
(3) Attempt to write a script that searches for USIPSE30AmberListStatic and USIPSE30MadnessListStatic, and updates their text if found -> I don't believe the functions needed to update existing books' text exist
(4) Directly edit USIPSE30AmberListStatic and USIPSE30MadnessListStatic -> causes CS crash on save
(5) Place another instnce of SE30AmberList and SE30MadnessList in front of the existing posters -> Probably would work, but would look strange

I'm open to suggestions - please help!
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:59 pm

To include the USIP corrections in your new lists aka books (SE30AmberList) then add the Bash tag 'Stats' to your mod and load your mod after USIP. Not sure but I hope this would then override the USIP's lists.
Your CS crashing is probably due to having your mod dependent on USIP but not having it as a master, by trying to edit its lists.
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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:43 am

Thanks for the advice! After testing, I actually ended up going with option #5. I wanted the mod to work whether USIP was installed or not. So I deleted the Vanilla references to the lists, and placed a new reference ever so slightly in front of the original one. This causes my version to layer right on top of the USIP version (if it is installed), or look basically the same as vanilla (if USIP is not installed). Either way, it appears that only one poster is on the wall, and my version is always the one that is activated.
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Andres Lechuga
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