My friends have finally talked me into creating a RP character in the TES universe. This is my first character that I have done a complete story for so far. I am currently playing through the main quest as a Breton battlemage who was a mercenary that fought in the Great War only because her patron did and then joined the Redguards in liberating the homeland. The Redguards paid so she fought and killed. She was simply traveling back home to High Rock when the Imperial guards swarmed her and almost behead her. While helping the Nords by killing the dragons does make sense due to the dragons wanting to end the world and all. I am finding it difficult to RP my story to involve the civil war conflict (mainly chose a side).
It seems that the Imperials would be more likely to pay an individual to fight for them and their cause though I am having a hard time getting over them almost killing me. The Stormcloaks (Nords) are neighbors to High Rock and I can see how a strong alliance with them could pay well or possible give me land of my own.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.