Looking for help with installing/renaming MMM 3.7BSA

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:53 am

Hey guys, I just started playing Oblivion and was mesmerized by many of the awesome mods out there, so I decided to try and install FCOM. after spending a lot of time searching on the net, I found a site http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/924363-the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion/48544847 which gave a wonderfully detailed walk thru of installing it, unfortunately the walkthru was a bit outdated. By following all of the directions on it, I was able to get all of the major mods and BOSS and Wrye Bash, and OBMM syncronized. When i went to play the game, everything worked great except for the yellow placeholders for missing meshes and the invisible guards. After some additional reading, it appears that the lack of MMM 3.7 bsa is causing these issues. When i read the how-to's and readme's on this mod, it seems to be saying that there are multiple pieces that I need of it, and that I need to do some kind of renaming?

When I went to Planet Elder Scrolls, it appeared to link 2 different pieces for the 3.7 mod that i'd need, but it only ended up letting me download 1. when I extract that to my oblivion/data folder, it just spurts a bunch of .esm files in there, and then I am lost. I don't see anything that says BSA and not sure how and what I'm supposed to rename. the instructions that i see on multiple sites usually give me this:

HOW TO Manually INSTALL MMM 3.7 Full Version

1] Unzip the MMM37b3bsa.7ip to your Oblivion/Data directory
2] Unzip the MMM37b3p3.7zip to folder where you download it too.
3) Select 'Mart's Monster Mod.esm' (If using OOO also select MMMforOOO.esm)
4) Select ONE of the following and copy to Oblivion/Data Directory

'Mart's Monster Mod.esp' - And Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
'Mart's Monster Mod for Frans.esp' - And Rename bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for Frans.bsa
'Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp' - And Rename bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa

5] Read about the range of optional plugins listed below
6] Now Select your choice of plugins and copy to the Oblivion/Data directory
7] Check Steps 3 and 4 Once again Remember to Name BSA has needed
8] Use Better Oblivion Sorting Software, run program sort Load order and PLay

I'll be honest, I'm just a casual gamer and even though I tried doing a lot of reading up on some of these varioius FCOM mods and patches, I still have trouble understanding it all. I have no idea how to rename something to bsa, and where exactly I'm supposed to extract this stuff. is it supposed to all go in a separate folder within the data file, or does it all go with other esm and esp files as a part of FCOM? The previous site that I linked earlier was great at holding my hand through the various steps, and I'm hoping that someone can help break down these instructions for the 3.7 MMM bsa to me in a similar way. I appreciate anyone's time on this. thanks
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:28 am




3. Select ONE of the following:

Mart's Monster Mod.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.bsa
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.bsa
[For FCOM users:] FCOM_Convergence.esp - Rename MMM.bsa to FCOM_Convergence_Mart's Monster Mod.bsa


Also, don't extract everything like that. Use Bash to manage the installation as it'll be much easier to remove stuff and keep track of problems and file conflicts.
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:22 pm

That's because the ESM / ESP package does not contain the BSA.

You need to download http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=4226 as well.

The packaging was done this way due to size limits some websites impose on uploaded files.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:13 am

Alright, thanks guys. I feel like I'm headed in a better direction now.
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