I'm looking for just a simple yes or no answer to a specific question. I normally don't like spoilers at all, but am very worried, and would like to phrase my question such that a yes or no answer would calm my worries without being a spoiler.
I've just escorted Dr. Li to the Citadel, whereupon a new quest was automatically added (something along the lines of "Picking up the Trail or the Path" or something like that.
Here's my worry. This is the first time ever in this game that I felt "trapped" meaning things were moving in a direction where I had no choice but to follow the quest at hand. In other words it wasn't like the normaly free roaming thing. This has me worried that this is "THE Quest" or the main quest of the main game, and I don't want to finish it if so because I've barely scratched the surface (I think) of things to do in this world. It would feel like I'm missing something if I completed the main quest without first discovring all of the places I haven't yet discovered. Make sense???
So, here's my yes or no question.
Is this the main quest, the one that "beats" the game?
Thanks for any help, and sorry if I'm being a butthead myself for being particular about my question and answer. It's just, like I said, I really don't like spoilers. I like to figure stuff out on my own. Like that simulation in Vault 112. It took me awhile to figure it out, but I finally did with no help or hints. Just made it feel better that way, ya know???
Thanks again.