Looking for MOD-writer contacts

Post » Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:15 pm

I am looking for anyone who might be able to put me contact with Timeslip (the creator of OBMM). His website is down, his profile is private, and it does not appear he is a member of the Oblivion modding community any longer. I would also like to get in touch with the creators of Wyre Bash and OBSE, and other related tools used for creating and installing/maintaining mods.

The reason for this is I would like to write review/newbie-entry guides on how to use these tools. Normally, I'd just do it, but they'll probably be hosted on a site that generates a very small bit of revenue based on page-views (I'm not exactly going to be making a profit, in other words -- BUT, it's still something to ethically mention); I want to make certain that these folks are okay with this. The gaming site gets a lot of traffic so this might be a new way to get a few more people who are still discovering Oblivion (or rediscovering it) into mods.

I would also LOVE to write reviews and guides on some of the major overhaul/tweak or story/content mods out there that are either matured (like OOO) or are actively developed. If you are a mod creator who would like to get your mod some extra limelight, let me know -- at the very least, I would certainly love to find some more canon, quality game content to play through. :)
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:08 pm

I am looking for anyone who might be able to put me contact with Timeslip (the creator of OBMM). His website is down, his profile is private, and it does not appear he is a member of the Oblivion modding community any longer. I would also like to get in touch with the creators of Wyre Bash and OBSE, and other related tools used for creating and installing/maintaining mods.

The reason for this is I would like to write review/newbie-entry guides on how to use these tools. Normally, I'd just do it, but they'll probably be hosted on a site that generates a very small bit of revenue based on page-views (I'm not exactly going to be making a profit, in other words -- BUT, it's still something to ethically mention); I want to make certain that these folks are okay with this. The gaming site gets a lot of traffic so this might be a new way to get a few more people who are still discovering Oblivion (or rediscovering it) into mods.

I would also LOVE to write reviews and guides on some of the major overhaul/tweak or story/content mods out there that are either matured (like OOO) or are actively developed. If you are a mod creator who would like to get your mod some extra limelight, let me know -- at the very least, I would certainly love to find some more canon, quality game content to play through. :)

Yeah I've been wondering about him too.
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Shelby Huffman
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