Looking for musicians

Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:38 am

Hello I was wondering if anyone knows of any place where talented composers could be found that are interested in composing musics and soundtracks for mods ofc for free .

I am currently looking for that , but also I do not want to pick on someone to work on something that then wouldn't fit with the mod theme .

Any sugestions?
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:49 am

It'd probably help if you better explained what it is you want. I am a composer but I doubt you'd be interested in upbeat jazz fusion.

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Kira! :)))
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Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:21 am

Well the problem I have is that I want first to know the "style" of the composer and the quality , I do not want to be rude with people that offer help but I would like to select only what "I like" and I think its fitting for the mod, wo I do not want to be in the position that after a composer did a lot of work to have to say sorry I do not like it or it doesn't fit my idea.

Anyway the Basic Idea is something that can range from Conan the Barbarian main theme , civilization , eye of Doom , tree of woe , then to Game of Thrones Mysha, Main title , mother of Dragons , up to Skyrim main themes like Sovngarde , Dragonreach, under an ancient sun and eventually the Skyrim main theme .

The mod i am making ( Issgard ) Is barbaric / Medieval oriented more mature themed possibly and something Mystique - barbaric - medieval would fit well .

I like Drums , flutes, stuff like that , but I do not like Piano , guitars etc or Big Orchestral mixtures , I mean for the overall theme not for the genre .

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Reven Lord
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