Hello dear reader,
I, Lokrbox, am the leader of the REDRUM, (rRUM) clan. Considering the smaller amounts of people playing the amazing game: Crysis 2, perhaps you have seen me playing beside or against you!
Now, to the main topic. I am tired of my TMA, (referencing of course the above standard and respectable OMA clan.) Myself and my counterpart are looking for aggressive expansion. We are looking for people who want to have fun, work together as a team, and altogether have a great time playing this great game. There are, of course, a few rules to joining this clan, hopefully nothing out of reach.
-You MUST MUST MUST have at least a 1.0 K/D ratio. Now, if your K/D on your general stats is less than that, but you frequently get a 1.0 K/D or better in-game, this is also acceptable.
-Mic is optional, but it is much preferred if you have one.
-We don't care if you trash-talk or "rage" when you get killed, but we do not want negative team-battling. Meaning of course do not put down your teammates!
-We don't have "team meets" or "hardcoe strategizing," but if you are playing the game and you get an invite, you are expected to join up with the rest of the clan. (There are always exceptions if you are in another game, or currently playing a multiplayer match somewhere else.)
-We would appreciate if you were at least a teenager. Too many times have we heard "bad kids." (Literally, like seven or eight.)
-Please, have fun!
Contact me if you would like to join! We are once again looking for any and all, my gamertag is as follows...