» Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:57 am
PC for the win. Oh and by the way...Support New Vegas and it'll support you. Mr. House all the way.
My advice for a perfect character...
Set your intelligence to 9 OR 10. If you don't care about wasting a perk to use intense training(raises any attribute by one point) to raise your intelligence to 10, just leave it to 9, take one point from charisma skill and put two point in any category(Endurance is a good bet). If you put it at 10, take two points out of charisma and put it into endurance. Just remember that you can only gain 15 perks from leveling unless you have mods only for PC or DLCs, which raise your level cap by 5 for every DLC you have.
For traits, I recommend the "Small Frame" perk unless you're playing on hardcoe. Wild Wasteland is good but as a word of warning, you can't get the most powerful energy rifle in the game if you pick this. Rather, you'll get the most powerful energy pistol in the game. This isn't a problem if you have Old World Blues. Pick some bad traits or no traits and finish the DLC. You can reselect your traits with this DLC. Before you do, find the YCS-186 Gauss Rifle and then pick the Wild Wasteland trait to get both the rifle and the pistol.
At level 4, take the "educated" perk and watch the skill points earn itself. You can max out all of the stats you want by level 30 and be a pseudo-god at the end of the game. By the way, a very important thing to do is to do easy side quests frequently. Reason being is that you can get lots of caps or gear from quests, along with experience points, which is awesome if you took my advice in the first paragraph.
Another thing to do is when you get to Novac...GET BOONE AS A COMPANION. By that time, you most likely won't be the pseudo-god you're waiting to be so it's essential to have a friend to spot things and shoot them before they get too close to do lots of damage. Also, in Novac, you can go into the closet behind the sales person inside the dinosaur(has a lock on it) and you can steal "That Gun" which is a pretty good handgun.
One last thing, if you have 7 endurance like I told you to get, go to the New Vegas Medical Clinic just north east of the New Vegas Strip to get implants. These can raise your SPECIAL stats by one and the higher your endurance, the more implants you can get. By the way, you CANNOT raise your endurance with clothing and expect to go past your maximum limit. It's based off of your BASE endurance so the only thing that can raise it is the Intense Training Perk and even then, I don't think so.
NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER GET THE HERE AND NOW PERK, THE INFILTRATOR PERK, or THE COMPUTER WHIZ PERK!! The Here and Now perk allows you to advance one level for free. Terrible idea and it wastes a perk slot. Don't ever pick it unless you want to lose a perk. The latter two perks allow you to pick a lock that you've broken by force unlocking it or rehack a terminal you've locked yourself out of, respectively.
When lockpicking, you shouldn't ever force unlock without saving and the chances are greater than 50%. Even then, unless the chance is 100%, you should always quicksave before doing it. When hacking, if you only have one attempt, just exit out and try again. Your tries will be reset. Keep doing that.