Looking for several specific replacers

Post » Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:11 pm

Hey everybody, I'm looking for a pair of replacers. They used to be readily available on PES, but since that's gone they've went missing. The fact I've forgotten what they were called doesn't help at all, but I'll do my best to describe what they looked like.

The first is a "magic glow/anti-tinfoil" replacer:

It was very subtle, animated, and kind of resembled like an electrical current running through the item.. Just like this thin lightning strand coursing/extending through it, which loops on itself leaving the item blank for a bit, and then the animation repeats.

Kind of looked like this:

h t t p :// stream1.gifsoup .com /view2 /1263814 /plasma-ball-o .gif

But much, much slower, and moving in a sort of 'ring/donut pattern'

(Can't post links, sorry. Just remove the spaces in it.)

Going off descriptions on an old most list, it might've been called either "Max's Glow v1.0" by Max a.k.a ~NOBODY~ or "New (Improved) Magic Shimmer Effect" by Tclord. I'm betting on the one by Tclord, but I don't know for sure. There where others matching the description but they had multiple options including the electrical one, I remember this mod having only the one effect.

Now the second is a "magic item icon" replacer..

It was simplistic like a small white point of light/corona effect behind the item icon, like this:

h t t p :// ak. picdn .net /shutterstock / videos / 2992189 / preview / stock-footage-rotation-circle-wire-and-rays-light-with-swirl-particles-sunlight-and-explosion-energy-in-space .jpg

More simple than that, though. Not star-like or glittery just the point of light with maybe a small 'sunglare' effect on it. (I kept finding bottles of beer looking for this example picture so I gave up and went with it)

It might've been called "Alternative Enchanted Item Icons v1.1" by RayB. Unlike the magic shimmer replacer, it was packaged with other options IIRC.

Here's the list I went by to try and determine what they could be called (I'm pretty sure this where I originally found them, as well), if you can find anything on here that would be a miracle:

h t t p :// www. mwmythicmods .com /Gluby /Gluby_MagicItemSpellFX_Mods.htm#BlueSwirl

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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:55 am

Have you tried looking for these on http://mw.modhistory.com/home?It has a lot of things that used to be on PES, and during my browsing on there I've seen some things that are at least similar to what you want. I don't have any direct links right now. But perhaps this can help.

Edit: Here are links for what what you thought they might of have been. If these aren't what you're looking for, I'm afraid I can't be of more help.




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Lynette Wilson
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