is there a mod that makes shout sound emphasize the third word?
IE: shouting fusroDAH instead of FUS-rodah, like in the trailer.
the only one i found is for unrelenting force only, i was wondering if there is one that affects all shouts.
is there a mod that makes shout sound emphasize the third word?
IE: shouting fusroDAH instead of FUS-rodah, like in the trailer.
the only one i found is for unrelenting force only, i was wondering if there is one that affects all shouts.
Have you tried Gives them more base and power. Watch the video for examples.
its not exactly what i want, but its the next best thing... i'll give it a try latter
It's only for Unrelenting force, but it still sounds great.
I'm using the chant version too, which just adds to the feeling of the shout.