Bows in Oblivion i remember being somewhat crappy though, right?
I love archery in Oblivion. I can take long-ass shots, I can lead targets on the fly while having a running battle. I can engage three enemies with just a bow and still win. It's very satisfying to clear out an entire dungeon with just a bow. And no one knew I was there. One hit kills all day long. Now if he got discovered, that was a different story, that was scary, I chose to make him very powerful as an archer, but he needs to run away from anything that gets close.
Using non-enchanted and non-poisoned bows is just as satisfying. My archers do a lot of hunting. A lot. Chasing deer and trying to get close is great fun.
The expert knockdown perk is so sweet.... Just... I'm crying,

please forgive me. *sniffles*
No, bows in Oblivion are a thing of beauty. The best is making a kill in 3rd person mode. Epic. No, really it is. It's just like a 10% chance for me usually lol.