» Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:18 am
A good way to start:
Immediately select all of your starting workers and right click a crystal, any crystal. They will automatically spread to the unclaimed ones rather than wait in line for that one spot. The opening moments can be vital, and this will save you a few seconds individually selecting and sending them to individual crystals (as I did originally). Either quickly before doing this or after, whatever you prefer, have your "homebase" building start on another worker with the 50 minerals you start with. Set the rally point of the building on a crystal; this will make the units it builds immediately start harvesting, and they too will automatically direct themselves to wherever they can harvest fastest from, again saving you some time/attention from selecting them from a different rally point and manually sending them to a crystal. When I originally played I would designate 1 worker per crystal, but the ideal is 2-3. I prefer 2 myself, but that's up to you. You can track this quickly by click-dragging to select all your harvesting workers; you start with 8 crystals, and 1 row in the bottom where selected groups are displayed is 8 units. So, if you have 2 rows, you've got 2 workers per crystal. While this seems like an unnecessary drain on resources (spending minerals to get minerals you'd have all taken in time anyway), the increased speed will soon pay for itself and allow you to afford base building and starting units at the same time. Plus, when it comes time to expand and your resources are drained, you'll have a legion of workers ready to strip another location.
Keep making workers. You'll approach your starting population limit soon, and you'll also approach a point where you can afford the 100 for supply expansion without having to stop training and wait. Grab a worker from the miners to do this, and do it quickly, since you'll need it to make military units (especially for Terran and Protoss, who have it as a building prerequisite). Once you can, build your starting unit factory building (barracks/gateway/spawning pool). For the non-Zerg races, you'll probably want to build a second as soon as possible. You'll probably get as many mining workers as you need as they're building, so feel free to move the rally point, and probably increase the supply limit by another building or two. When you can afford it, make more workers to send to the gas vents, 3 for each. Having extras doesn't help you with that resource. Do this without going below the minimum minerals in stock to immediate start training, for example, keep 100 minerals on-hand with Terrans to be able to immediately start a marine from each of your two barracks. Minerals may be short between paying for those buildings and the gas-harvesters, but you'll be fine as long as you queue the next unit before the first finishes, so you don't lose time between them. Beyond this specific strategy gets harder, such as what to buy next or how many units to make, especially between races, but it should help you get a stable start. Pump out enough units to defend yourself from early attacks and then you can worry about more advanced defenses. At the beginning, units are generally better than defensive buildings for keeping you safe. Upgrades are tempting, but hold off on them; for the price of fully upgrading your air units you can build several battlecruisers, which are likely to make a bigger difference. Two battlecruisers with rank zero stats will easily beat one battlecruiser with rank 1 stats. For longer games and larger armies, though, don't forget them.
For Zerg things are a bit difference. You especially want that spawning pool ASAP, because you want to make a Queen immediately. Do not neglect her Spawn Larvae ability! A quick start with the Zerg is hard without it, because you've got the same building needing to create drones, overlords, and soon zerglings all at the same time. The queen will regenerate more than the 25 cost in energy in the time it takes for the extra larvae to hatch, so don't be afraid to use it again immediately. When you have the chance/need, only have her make one creep tumor; they can propogate themselves indefinitely, since each new tumor has the ability to spawn one additional one. Instead, keep the focus on those extra larvae.
I would offer to help in-game, but I've got things that needed doing 15 minutes ago and won't have the free time until later.