Looking for a specific type of advlt content mod

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:27 am

I've been looking around (mainly at TES Nexus) for a specific type of advlt content mod. What I'm trying to find is something similar to a Fallout 3 mod that added some dialogue driven options where everything happened off screen. In other words, nothing graphic, just implied. I liked that it added a little more depth to the world that Oblivion seems to missing.

Any ideas? Or is everything hard-core and graphical for Oblivion?
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Connor Wing
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:00 am

Windfall (Has a brothel or two and some rather smutty and realistic characters.)
Gweden brothel(does contain some nudity though, and also you set up the brothel and own it, as I recall you can't be a customer)
Integration: The Stranded Light. (Very in-depth romance, as well as a lot of other miscellaneous maturity... and by maturity I mean actual maturity, not: "Yay blood guts, gore, and boobies!" )
Blood and Mud (a darker, more mature bravil)
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Hannah Whitlock
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