Looking for suggestions for more RP-ing HC mods!

Post » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:55 pm

As title says I'm looking for some more mods that will further enchance my roleplaying experience and make the game harder. I'm playing on legendary and am currently using only a couple of mods so I'd appreciate more suggestions (might not remember all the mods I'm using, but I can't post the load order now since this PC doesn't have Skyrim installed :tongue:).

Currently only using:
All features (I think) of SkyRe + Frostfall mod
Bandolier - bags and pouches mod
a personal patch for SkyRe that makes all the races have only 50 units of default carrying weight
Elys community uncapper with customized ini
mod that lets me forge crossbows (though I think SkyRe might have added that already, didn't quite check all the perks yet)

and I think that's all gameplay wise, using 2-3 aesthetic mods aside from these.

These are the mods I just downloaded and plan to install as soon as I get access to the playing rig:
Deadly Dragons (actually used this and loved it so I'll reinstall it)
Dual Sheath Redux
No Spinning Death Animation
SkyUI (not gameplay related though :tongue: )
Trade And Barter which will hopefully let me set it up so that I have to earn gold the hard way and spend craploads of it on single pieces of armor for example, if there's a better money-eating mod let me know please! Basically, my characters tend to "work", have normal jobs such as cutting wood or mining. Unfortunately a week of wood cutting is not only enough to buy food and supplies, it's enough to buy entire inventories of shops. I'd like it when I'd have to save for couple of weeks to get that shiny cuirass and scimitar I keep seeing displayed and be insanely thrilled when I finally realise I have the coin I was saving for it. :D

Now aside from these I also saw several mods that make you sleep, eat and drink, which one is considered the best, or at least the best to use along with SkyRe and Frostfall?

And of course, if there are any other suggestions for mods that work with my already installed setup and I haven't said I want something like that- you're more than welcome to take initiative and suggest it! :smile:

Thanks in advance!
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