What I want:
- a small home that fits into the environment, so no vault in Freeside or something, no mega-loft/Villa with 20 rooms, stuff like that. Basically, 1-2 rooms is perfectly enough.
- a few containers of any kind for storing (5 is enough for me, I'm not that big of a sorter), I don't want any kind of auto-sorters or stuff for displaying
- a bed, a water source
- a work bench (reloading bench is optional)
- Campfire or oven with campfire-function, but this can be outside
Where I want it to be:
- not too far off, like that Camp Guardian-thingy - I try to play mostly without fast travelling, so I want my main house to be more or less central
- not Goodsprings
- no dangerous neighborhood - I won't live between a deathclaw flock and a cazadore nest, if you know what I mean (that's what annoys me most about the faction safehouses - the [censored] location)
So basically, something like Freeside or surrounding areas would be optimal.
Anybody know anything that fits my description?