What we need
We have over 5000 mods at MMH. Over 4000 of those have not been sorted into proper categories. A very large portion of them also don't have descriptions and authors and such listed on the download page. We hope to be able to categorize and fill in the details of all of the mods we have available.
We are hoping to have somewhere around 5 volunteers who are willing to dedicate at least a few hours a week until this project is complete.
What it entails
1. Move all of the uncategorized mods into the proper categories.
2. Update the description, author, name, and other fields as needed.
3. Add any other relevant information as you deem fit, and possibly download the mod to check for problems that have not already been identified.
What perks you get
If you like downloading old mods, then this is definitely the best thing you can get into. You will have full FTP access to the server where all of these are stored.
You will be part of a team working together with the MMH admin tools to update and sort all of these mods. You will also have access to the MMH staff room in the GHF forums. You will also have a badge on your profile at GHF indicating that you are part of the team. And you will have my eternal gratitude! :goodjob:
So if you are interested in helping out, please send me a PM! (Preferably at GHF.) I am very anxious to finally get this project done, and it is most definitely more than a single guy with a million other projects can do alone!