[REQ] Looking for your characters' names.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:02 am

Cchaze Ilgaf (cha-ze)
Race: Imperial
Buried: Ancestor Moth Tombs
Life:3E 154 - 188
Known for: Incredible senses with his nose to find people even though he is blind"
Epitaph: I see you...no wait...i smell you.
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:31 pm

Maybe one more then:

Race: Breton
Name: Daniel Aarsine
City: Leyawiin
Famous for: Engineer and construction supervisor, he was the man behind the construction of the Leyawiin cathedral, but never lived to see it finished.
Epitaph: A master of sketches and stones he was, now he lies within the place that he never saw finished.

Bye the way thenks for the response on my earlier characters.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 7:59 pm

Well, I might contribute too...

Race: High Elf
Name: Eraamior
City: Leyawiin
Date of birth and death : 3E 156 - 3E 312
Famous for: Known for creating "The Potion of Eternal Life". In a successful attempt to hide the recipe, he blew up his residence, burying the secret with him.
Epitaph: "Death? Why this fuss about death. Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! ... Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil." - "A potion-masters tips", p. 136 Author: Eraamior

Feel free to edit!
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Jade Payton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:21 am

Name: Garland McCuran (Imperial)
Famous: Lead a exploration into Black Wood and discovered Nirmroot. He sent most of his explorers back to Leyawiin and lead the rest deeper into Black Wood and were soon in Black Marsh. They were attacked by a group of bandits who killed McCuran with a arrow to the head, the rest of the party drove off the bandits and carried McCuran's body back to Leyawiin.
Born: 3E 389
Died: 3E 415
Epitaph: His adventures are over, he can now rest.
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Tracy Byworth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:39 am

Forget my silliness! :embarrass:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:47 am

Name: Johann Washburn (Imperial)
Famous: Famous philosopher, writer, and Count of Cheydinhal who had also negotiated a treaty with Morrowind to keep allot of land east of the city.
Town: Cheydinhal
Born: 3E 150
Died: 3E 248
Epitaph: "I Die."-Last words of Johann Washburn
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:29 am

I'm sure someone has done this but:

Name : Jiub
Famous for : Walking around shirtless
City in which you want the character buried : Leyawiin/Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : I don't know the dates, so if you could come up with one
Brief epitaph: Life in prison for stealing a kwama egg...
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:57 am

Name : Minenia Goldtree
Famous for : A priestess of Arkay and skilled in alteration
City in which you want the character buried : Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : 3E137 - 3E203
Epitaph: Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of the divines.
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:19 pm

Name :Renn Of The Wolf Clan
Famous for : Slayer of the Ragnhild, Survivor of the Hunters Night and Stalker of the Wild
City in which you want the character buried : Bruma
Date of birth and death : Born; 3E203
Died; 3E 228
Brief epitaph; Died hunting the greatest of Prey, the the mighty White Wolf.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:42 am

Name : Mario Vietri
Famous for : His painting skills
City in which you want the character buried : Bravil(good people lived there to)
Date of birth and death : lost in time... ??!!
Brief epitaph: He died after he finished painting "A King's desire"-the most beautiful of his paintings.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:02 pm

Name: Thorp
Famous for: being the most popular person in cyrodil (everyone is at 100)
city: any
epitaph: Thanks for taking care of that fine
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Paula Rose
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 am

then make it an imperial haha idk

Malkno Massamus
Race: Imperial
Life: 3E 037 - 3E 69
Location: Chorrol
Known for: His prodigy days in the Imperial Army and rising quickly through the ranks but he had a knack for clumsy feet. But unfortunetlly (idk how to spell it) he was inspecting the the White Gold Tower's top for any ice damage for the winter and he slipped and fell to his doom. He was buried back at his home town.
Epitaph: How many slips does it take to get to the bottom of the White Gold Tower? 1...splat

Cchaze Ilgaf (cha-ze)
Race: Imperial
Buried: Ancestor Moth Tombs
Life:3E 154 - 188
Known for: Incredible senses with his nose to find people even though he is blind"
Epitaph: I see you...no wait...i smell you.

Hehe thanks for the submissions I want put those in.
For the Blind Monks, I'll make them only serious. They are part of an honourable Order afterall. :P

Maybe one more then:

Race: Breton
Name: Daniel Aarsine
City: Leyawiin
Famous for: Engineer and construction supervisor, he was the man behind the construction of the Leyawiin cathedral, but never lived to see it finished.
Epitaph: A master of sketches and stones he was, now he lies within the place that he never saw finished.

Bye the way thenks for the response on my earlier characters.

Thanks for the submision! On to Zenithar's chapel he goes.

Well, I might contribute too...

Race: High Elf
Name: Eraamior
City: Leyawiin
Date of birth and death : 3E 156 - 3E 312
Famous for: Known for creating "The Potion of Eternal Life". In a successful attempt to hide the recipe, he blew up his residence, burying the secret with him.
Epitaph: "Death? Why this fuss about death. Use your imagination, try to visualize a world without death! ... Death is the essential condition of life, not an evil." - "A potion-masters tips", p. 136 Author: Eraamior

Feel free to edit!

Thanks! I have actually not mentioned that he is the creator of the Potion of Eternal Life, but instead that he's the longest living citizen in Leyawiin. I kept the same epitaph, which explains how he lived that long, without giving too much details. :)

Name: Garland McCuran (Imperial)
Famous: Lead a exploration into Black Wood and discovered Nirmroot. He sent most of his explorers back to Leyawiin and lead the rest deeper into Black Wood and were soon in Black Marsh. They were attacked by a group of bandits who killed McCuran with a arrow to the head, the rest of the party drove off the bandits and carried McCuran's body back to Leyawiin.
Born: 3E 389
Died: 3E 415
Epitaph: His adventures are over, he can now rest.

Great one. Thanks! I have removed the part about Nirnroots though.

Name: Johann Washburn (Imperial)
Famous: Famous philosopher, writer, and Count of Cheydinhal who had also negotiated a treaty with Morrowind to keep allot of land east of the city.
Town: Cheydinhal
Born: 3E 150
Died: 3E 248
Epitaph: "I Die."-Last words of Johann Washburn

Thanks again. I have removed the Count of Cheydinhal part and replaced it with Member of the Court of Cheydinhal.

Forget my silliness! :embarrass:

What silliness? What did you write ? ;)

I'm sure someone has done this but:

Name : Jiub
Famous for : Walking around shirtless
City in which you want the character buried : Leyawiin/Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : I don't know the dates, so if you could come up with one
Brief epitaph: Life in prison for stealing a kwama egg...

Hehe I have put "easter eggs" for some of past Elder Scrolls characters. Though, in Oblivion, Jiub is still alive....until the main quest where you hear that he died. (It is an Easter Egg, but I prefer not to get him inside a Cyrodiil crypt. His body belongs in Morrowind)

Name : Minenia Goldtree
Famous for : A priestess of Arkay and skilled in alteration
City in which you want the character buried : Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : 3E137 - 3E203
Epitaph: Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of the divines.

Love it. Thanks!

Name :Renn Of The Wolf Clan
Famous for : Slayer of the Ragnhild, Survivor of the Hunters Night and Stalker of the Wild
City in which you want the character buried : Bruma
Date of birth and death : Born; 3E203
Died; 3E 228
Brief epitaph; Died hunting the greatest of Prey, the the mighty White Wolf.

Excellent. It has been added.

Name : Mario Vietri
Famous for : His painting skills
City in which you want the character buried : Bravil(good people lived there to)
Date of birth and death : lost in time... ??!!
Brief epitaph: He died after he finished painting "A King's desire"-the most beautiful of his paintings.

Love that one. Except that I have put him a date of birth and death. ;)

Name: Thorp
Famous for: being the most popular person in cyrodil (everyone is at 100)
city: any
epitaph: Thanks for taking care of that fine

I have taken the concept of a popular citizen. I'll modify that one but keep that concept. Thanks!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:37 am

Hey, jw, are those to i made gna be added? cause u werent specific on that haha jw
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Annika Marziniak
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:36 am

Hey, jw, are those to i made gna be added? cause u werent specific on that haha jw

Oops seems like I made a typo... typing "won't" as "want" :P

No I am not going to add them, though they did make me giggle. ;)
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

Name : Arnado Ulfthar

Race: Nord

Famous for : the imperial legion refused to help his city when under attack from ogres, afterwards, he was the only one left alive, he turned pirate and fought the legion at every turn.
he was eventually captured and hanged.

City in which you want the character buried : leyawiin

Date of birth and death : (age 36)

Brief epitaph (Optional but recommended):

A short drop. and a sudden stop.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:16 am

Name : Hector the clumsy

Race: imperial

Famous for : his constant habit of walking into walls

City in which you want the character buried : IC
Date of birth and death : (age 48)

Brief epitaph (Optional but recommended): 48 years is a ripe old age for someone who steps on rakes daily.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 am

Hehe I have put "easter eggs" for some of past Elder Scrolls characters. Though, in Oblivion, Jiub is still alive....until the main quest where you hear that he died. (It is an Easter Egg, but I prefer not to get him inside a Cyrodiil crypt. His body belongs in Morrowind)

Wow, I heard someone on the forums talk about that, but I totally forgot.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:11 am

What will the mod be called? I would very much like to download it once it becomes available. :)
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maya papps
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am

Name: Bladecaptain Kieron Di'Neer
Race: Imperial
Famous for: The personal bodyguard Uriel Septim's son, Enman Septim. Singlehandedly slayed fifteen Mythic Dawn assassins that were sent after his charge, two with his shield alone, before finally falling to six of them at once. Nearly completely foiled the assassinations.
City: any but bravil
Date of birth/death: 3E 399-3E 433
Epitaph: A Master Fighter and a true juggernaut in battle. Interred within is the honorable warrior that others are judged by.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 am

Name : Kinata Shikomuze
Famous for : Being Cyrodiil's greatest mage, learning more than 75% of Midas spells, and owning a lot of cats.
City in which you want the character buried : Chorrol
Date of birth and death : (age 28)
Epitaph: May the daedra of oblivion forever cause you pain.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

If your still accepting individuals, here is my entry. If not, I'm still tossing this in.

Name: Morihaus I of Solitude
Race: Imperial
Abridged History: Imperial Steward* of Reman III, an accomplished mage, and the author of the Divine Commentary**. Known for his religious fervor, Morihaus the Atmoran*** acted as an ambassador for his leige and brokered many peace treaties and compromises to ensure law and order in the Empire. Specifically, he managed to establish a lasting alliance with the states of Skyrim**** after a uncertain period of civil unrest in the late First Era. While praying at the Chapel of Akatosh he was slain by an assassin sent by Potentate Versidue-Shaie, thus ushering in the Second Era and the Imperial Interregnum. Morihaus' corpse was taken back to his birthplace in Solitude where he remained until 3E 122, a year after the initiation of the War of the Red Diamond. His descendants, fearing for their lives*****, gathered their belongings, including the relics of their ancestors, and fled southwards. It would take several more years before Morihaus was properly laid to rest.
City of Burial: Bruma
Date of Birth: 1E 2848
Date of Death: 1E 2920 (72 years of age)
Epitaph: So passed Morihaus, son of Ysgramor******. And so too passed the days of the Second Empire and of the sons of Cyrodiil*******.

* As Imperial Stewards, Morihaus and his predecessors counselled the Emperor on affairs of the State and Religious affairs, acted on his behalf in important diplomatic missions, and served as the head of the Empire alongside the Elder Council during the absences of their leige. The Imperial Stewardship as a position in the Empire was abolished with the reckoning of the Second Era and has yet to be revived.
** The Divine Commentary was a seven part treatise on religion, exploring such subjects such as source of Creation, the Aedric/Daedric dynamic, the validity of the Emperor's Divine Mandate, as well as manner other ropics.
*** Morihaus I was known as the Atmoran due to his aggressive pro-Nedic stance over Aldmeric dominion. Nonetheless, he greatly admired the many cultures of the Elves.
**** Skyrim, throughout the late First and Second Eras, was a disparate coalition of several different Nordic states warring amongst each other as often as with the enemy.
***** As supporters of the Central Cyrodiilic Faction opposing the Wolf-Queen Potema, the House of Morihaus was under the threat of impending attack being in the heart of the enemy all along.
****** Morihaus the Steward was granted the title of Son of Ysgramor due to his work between Cyrodiil and Skyrim as well as the fact that he was an orphan lacking any actual parentage.
******* Refering to Second Empire of Reman Cyrodiil and his successors.

Author's Note:
If you intend on adding the Abridged History part of my character's biography, I suggest you drop the last three lines so that it ends with his death. Also, the asterixes (*) are merely there to provide more information about his background. When entering that in, it would probably be for the best if you dropped them as well.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:08 pm

The Primates of the chapels told me that there are many empty slots needed to be filled with fresh bodies. biggrin.gif

Especially in the undercroft of the Order of Arkay. Since the crypt has been extended, so are the number of slots to fill with coffins.
In the other chapels, I've decided to use the cathedral altars found in the Undercroft to stash Urns. In the vanilla game, I've always wondered what was the purpose of those small altars in the Undercroft. Then I noticed that an Urn containing the ashes of someone important fits perfectly on the Altar.

I currently have 66 bodies. With the extended undercroft in Cheydinhal and the Urns, I'm up to 150 possible bodies. So if you have character ideas, I'm ready to take more. :D

Thanks again to all of you who submitted characters. Because of your contribution, the Undercroft will actually have something worth visting them. :)

Name : Arnado Ulfthar

Race: Nord

Famous for : the imperial legion refused to help his city when under attack from ogres, afterwards, he was the only one left alive, he turned pirate and fought the legion at every turn.
he was eventually captured and hanged.

City in which you want the character buried : leyawiin

Date of birth and death : (age 36)

Brief epitaph (Optional but recommended):

A short drop. and a sudden stop.

Nice epitaph. :)
But pirates don't get buried in Undercrofts. :P

Name : Hector the clumsy

Race: imperial

Famous for : his constant habit of walking into walls

City in which you want the character buried : IC
Date of birth and death : (age 48)

Brief epitaph (Optional but recommended): 48 years is a ripe old age for someone who steps on rakes daily.

What would be his profession? I'm almost tempted to use the epitaph but with a different profession than "Walking into walls". :D

What will the mod be called? I would very much like to download it once it becomes available. :)

It is called "Losing My Religion", which is part of http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1038866

Name: Bladecaptain Kieron Di'Neer
Race: Imperial
Famous for: The personal bodyguard Uriel Septim's son, Enman Septim. Singlehandedly slayed fifteen Mythic Dawn assassins that were sent after his charge, two with his shield alone, before finally falling to six of them at once. Nearly completely foiled the assassinations.
City: any but bravil
Date of birth/death: 3E 399-3E 433
Epitaph: A Master Fighter and a true juggernaut in battle. Interred within is the honorable warrior that others are judged by.

I'm afraid members of the Blades would be buried in a tomb made only for the Order. Maybe Kieron Di'Neer could be an Arena champion?

Name : Kinata Shikomuze
Famous for : Being Cyrodiil's greatest mage, learning more than 75% of Midas spells, and owning a lot of cats.
City in which you want the character buried : Chorrol
Date of birth and death : (age 28)
Epitaph: May the daedra of oblivion forever cause you pain.

With an epitaph like that, that mage must have been pretty evil. Maybe it's because he was a cat person and Cyrodiil citizens are obviously fans of dogs.
I won't put her though. Thanks for the submission!

If your still accepting individuals, here is my entry. If not, I'm still tossing this in.

Name: Morihaus I of Solitude
Race: Imperial
Abridged History: Imperial Steward* of Reman III, an accomplished mage, and the author of the Divine Commentary**. Known for his religious fervor, Morihaus the Atmoran*** acted as an ambassador for his leige and brokered many peace treaties and compromises to ensure law and order in the Empire. Specifically, he managed to establish a lasting alliance with the states of Skyrim**** after a uncertain period of civil unrest in the late First Era. While praying at the Chapel of Akatosh he was slain by an assassin sent by Potentate Versidue-Shaie, thus ushering in the Second Era and the Imperial Interregnum. Morihaus' corpse was taken back to his birthplace in Solitude where he remained until 3E 122, a year after the initiation of the War of the Red Diamond. His descendants, fearing for their lives*****, gathered their belongings, including the relics of their ancestors, and fled southwards. It would take several more years before Morihaus was properly laid to rest.
City of Burial: Bruma
Date of Birth: 1E 2848
Date of Death: 1E 2920 (72 years of age)
Epitaph: So passed Morihaus, son of Ysgramor******. And so too passed the days of the Second Empire and of the sons of Cyrodiil*******.

* As Imperial Stewards, Morihaus and his predecessors counselled the Emperor on affairs of the State and Religious affairs, acted on his behalf in important diplomatic missions, and served as the head of the Empire alongside the Elder Council during the absences of their leige. The Imperial Stewardship as a position in the Empire was abolished with the reckoning of the Second Era and has yet to be revived.
** The Divine Commentary was a seven part treatise on religion, exploring such subjects such as source of Creation, the Aedric/Daedric dynamic, the validity of the Emperor's Divine Mandate, as well as manner other ropics.
*** Morihaus I was known as the Atmoran due to his aggressive pro-Nedic stance over Aldmeric dominion. Nonetheless, he greatly admired the many cultures of the Elves.
**** Skyrim, throughout the late First and Second Eras, was a disparate coalition of several different Nordic states warring amongst each other as often as with the enemy.
***** As supporters of the Central Cyrodiilic Faction opposing the Wolf-Queen Potema, the House of Morihaus was under the threat of impending attack being in the heart of the enemy all along.
****** Morihaus the Steward was granted the title of Son of Ysgramor due to his work between Cyrodiil and Skyrim as well as the fact that he was an orphan lacking any actual parentage.
******* Refering to Second Empire of Reman Cyrodiil and his successors.

Author's Note:
If you intend on adding the Abridged History part of my character's biography, I suggest you drop the last three lines so that it ends with his death. Also, the asterixes (*) are merely there to provide more information about his background. When entering that in, it would probably be for the best if you dropped them as well.

Very, very nice! Thank you for all the lore references. I will need ot make it much shorter, but an important character such as him will have a longer written background on his tomb.
(And that corpse is almost 1500 years old. That's a real relic. :D)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:02 am

A fourth then.

Place: Cheydinhal
Name: Faldnir Darkskin
Race: Nord
Famous for: Master Swordsmith, deliverer of swords to the Cheydinhal guard. Gained his name from the smoke from the smithy which blackened his face.
Date of Birth: 3E 328
Date of death: 3E 426
Epitaph: Perfection he wanted, perfection he got, his blades could cut a silk cloth in mid-air.
Optional: Could you put a Steel or Iron Longsword at the tomb, Faldnir always wanted to be buried with the first sword he made. :)
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James Wilson
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:50 pm

Saw Oblivifall, I'm looking forward to it, and hope this helps.

Name : Armelias
Race: Altmer
Famous for/Profession : Hunting down bandits wherever she could find them.
City in which you want the character buried : Anvil
Date of birth and death : Not familiar with Oblivion's years, but you say the game took place in 3E 433, so I'll try this: Born 3E 318, died 3E 405.
Brief epitaph: Spent her life punishing those who robbed her of her childhood.

Based on a little backstory I wrote for my current character.
Edit: If there's no room in Anvil, Bruma would work, then Cheydinhal.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:26 am

I just want to see my name in there so I'm just gonna make one up here.

Name: Ravin
Race: Wood Elf
Place of burial: Leyawin (or wherever you want)
Date of birth and death: 350, 401
Famous for: Single handedly staving off a zombie invasion from the Black Marsh.
Epitaph: Though the Undead were tough and rotten, Ravin and his trusty fork prevailed.
Reason for death: Food poisoning

(playing on the fact that Wood Elfs are cannibals)
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