[REQ] Looking for your characters' names.

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:35 am

Name : Sincrus Matrius
Famous for/Profession :A great battlemage, once head of the Arcane University.
City in which you want the character buried : Gravestone in the University gardens, please?
Date of birth and death : 3E 383 - went missing after a spell gone wrong.
Brief epitaph: May your magic be true.

I can't help but point out this is a chapel mod. o.o

Anyways...my new epitaph!

Name: Aeria Salvantrus
Famous for: Discovered the use of Nightshade plants as a powerful poison. Rumoured to have tested on live, human subjects.
City: Doesn't matter.
Date of birth and death: - 3E 250 ~ 3E 302
Brief Epitaph: Parting is such sweet sorrow, my dear. Sleep the pain away, then.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 am

Name : Sincrus Matrius
Famous for/Profession :A great battlemage, once head of the Arcane University.
City in which you want the character buried : Gravestone in the University gardens, please?
Date of birth and death : 3E 383 - went missing after a spell gone wrong.
Brief epitaph: May your magic be true.

Like Demonsshade mentioned, it's only dealing with the chapels. :P
So I'll put that character in Kvatch. Thanks! (I'll also change the dates)

I can't help but point out this is a chapel mod. o.o

Anyways...my new epitaph!

Name: Aeria Salvantrus
Famous for: Discovered the use of Nightshade plants as a powerful poison. Rumoured to have tested on live, human subjects.
City: Doesn't matter.
Date of birth and death: - 3E 250 ~ 3E 302
Brief Epitaph: Parting is such sweet sorrow, my dear. Sleep the pain away, then.

Very good. Thank you for another entry Demonsshade! :)
Skingrad shall be that character's home for the rest of her unlife. ;)
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:41 am

I think I'll try my hand at this:

Name: Folven Hardil
Famous for: Last living survivor of the Battle of Ionith, during Uriel V's invasion of Akavir
City: Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death: 3E 258- 3E 413 (Age 165)
Brief Epitaph: Doth none mourn an old elf; last knower of Uriel's idiocy?

That was fun; I'll swing by and do another later :)

Keep up the good work :goodjob: I'm looking forward to the completion of your project :D
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:11 am

Name: Ra'Din
Famous for/Profession: Gentleman and Duelist
City in which you want the character buried: Kvatch
Date of birth and death : 3E 397 - 3E 433
Brief epitaph (Optional but recommended): Mess With The Best, Die Like The Rest
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Lucky Boy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:15 am

Wow... I so would like to see my name in a video game.

But alas... my name is not very lore like lol! :nuts: And I svck at making up names.

So good luck for all you who enter. And good luck to the modder, sounds great!!!!!!!!!
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:48 am

why not throw my name in... hehe alwys creepy to walk along and see my gave :)

name: Alexander Blood-Fange
profession: Noble Knight
City to be buried in: where there is the greatest vacancy... perferlby chorrol or skignrad.
date of birth: 3E 392 - 3E 411
Brief epitaph: (feel free to changes this to anything that seems buyable :) ) Slain defending his home land of skingrad from bandits, may he forever be remembered throught colovia.

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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:58 pm

Name: Aequitas Solarii
Profession: Member of The Crusaders, Diviner rank
City: Chorrol
Last Seed, 3E384 - 3E435

Fought and died in the defense of Bruma, leaving behind two sons. [My first and only character to finish the MQ, and Imperial of note, I've always liked Stendarr and felt this would be an appropriate end to Aequitas]

Epitaph: With much compassion did he live, with great justice did he serve, in great honor he will rest.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 am

Name: Mero Morii
Profession: Head Tribunal Liaison to the Elder Council
City: Cheydinhal
3E281 - 3E427

Witness to the rise of the Tribunal and many important events in Morrowind, Mero Morii was thought to death by Dagoth Ur in his deep sleep. His death helped to put a damper on the island's communications with the mainland. Buried and interred before he could become a sleeper.

Epitaph: "May Ayem's merciful Light lay with his resting soul."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:12 am

Name: Victus Creed
Famous For: Knight and Son of Chorrol. Purchased and escorted the future Great Oak from Valenwood to Chorrol in 3E 201. Died while defending city from orc raiders.
Location: Chorrol
Date of Birth/Death: 3E 167 - 3E 213
Epitaph: The Nine give to every man the tools he needs to succeed, but very few have the foresight to use them.
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George PUluse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 am

I feel the itch for making one more
Name:Danes Anbal
Race: Dunmer
City to be buried: Cheydinhal
Known for: Hunter, Border scout for county Cheydinhal
Date of birth/death:3E308 - 3E418
Epitaph: They called him the Lonesome Wolf, but few matched the loyalty he had to those he called friends.

Danes grew up in Vvardenfell, where his father trained him in Marksmanship(his mother died when he was 7 years old). When he was old enough he joined the Imperial Legion looking for adventure. His draft period brought him to Solstheim and later on to Skyrim. Shortly after his period in the legion was over, he heard of his fathers demise, he was killed by Cliffracers. He never returned to Vvardenfell, but drifted along the borders from Skyrim down to Cyrodiil until he winded up in Cheydinhal where he settled and married to a young Dunmer woman who also had emigrated from Vvardenfell. After awhile he decided to join the Cheydinhal guard, the captain there saw his potential as a scout on the border in the Valus mountains and Danes felt the itch for adventure oncemore. He retired at an age of 74 and slept silently into death in 3E418.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:47 am

Heres my go =P

Name : Aramik K'zzazi, Khajiit Escapist
Famous for : The first prisoner to escape via persuading a guard to change places with him
City in which you want the character buried :Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : 3E 38 - 3E 82
Brief epitaph : "I feel nothing, apart from a certain difficulty in continuing to exist." - Aramik K'zzazi's Famous Last Words.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:11 am

Name : Ulmarick Natacion, Devout Preast and Healer
Famous for : His many advances in the Magic of Restoration.
City in which you want the character buried : Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : 3E 22 - 3E 115
Brief epitaph : "I told you I wasn't paranoid, They really were out to get me."
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jenny goodwin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:13 am

Name : On'chidella the Martyr (also known as On'chidella the Convert and On'chidella the Fugly)
Famous for : The first and only known Sload convert to the Nine Divines. Noted by the faithful for his writings on the Nine and subsequent martyr-ship. Noted by grammarians for his blasphemous use of apostrophes.
City in which you want the character buried : Temple of Ancestor Moths, Anvil, Bravil, or Leyawiin. Suprise me. :)
Date of birth and death : 3E 83 - 3E 170
Famous Last Words : "No! The Grammar Police!"

A more lore-appropriate epitaph:

"Ma'y Juli'an''os hav'e mercy' on' 'my so''ul."

btw: A Onchidella is an air-breathing sea slug.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:13 pm

I use my real name and i`d rather not have that on a grave stone just yet, thnx!
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:47 pm

Name: Ethric Silvertooth
Race: Imperial
City to be buried: Anvil? Leyawiin? IC?
Known for: Famous (private) pirate slayer of the Tamriellic seas. Met his end along with his entire crew when his ship was ambushed by three pirate ships.
Date of birth/death: 3E337 - 3E389
Epitaph: (I can't think of anything catchy..., sorry)

Very generic and bland, I know, but if someone could come up with a good Epitaph it may be worthwhile.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:13 am

I discovered a severe shortage of orcs here.

Name :Jargm Grum-Shorum
Famous for/Profession :the first to start taming wild dogs to keep as pets
City in which you want the character buried : Cheydinhal
Date of birth and death : 2E 534 - 2E 591
Brief epitaph: He was strong as a wolf with a heart warmer than the thickest fur <--(feel free to change it if you got something better)

Name : Mugri Gro-Snak-Snak
Famous for/Profession : wrote the famous play "Serenade for a beast" and the book "The ugly gem"
City in which you want the character buried : Leyawiin
Date of birth and death : 2E 896 3E 88
Brief epitaph: here lies Tamriels greatest writer. May the play never end.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:05 am

And maybe a shortage of Aristocratic and economical influential people. Not only adventures and soldiers get berried in chapels, rather there is allot more rich people famous for being rich :P I'll amend some to this post later, gotta go to the gym now; playing computer games really impair on your health otherwise :hehe:
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:43 am

Name: Marilyn
3E326 - 3E406
six: Female
Class: Sorceress
Birthsign: The Mage
City: Imperial City
Race: Chocolate Elf
Deeds: Champion of Cyrodiil, Arch-Mage, Treasure Hunter, Boss Killer(OOO boss killer, lienvaleth, Eregor, Lord Volmyr etc.), Arena Champion and lots more.
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 10:13 pm

This thread is close to ending.

Name: Henry Geribald (Imperial)
Famous: Famous Cartographer for High Rock had the most accurate map of High Rock. He was commissioned by the military to draw accurate maps of the mountains in the north of High Rock.
City: Anywhere you decide.
Born: 3E 366
Died: 3E 428
Epitaph: "I can't see a damn thing."-Last words
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 9:13 pm

Name: Indal Bywater
Famous for: Man to cut down most trees in a life time for the Imperial Trade Exchange.
City: anywhere available
Born: 3E 357
Died: 3E 423
Epitaph: "Clearin the Forests of Cyrodill...one hack at a time."
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:54 am

Name: Ethric Silvertooth
Race: Imperial
City to be buried: Anvil? Leyawiin? IC?
Known for: Famous (private) pirate slayer of the Tamriellic seas. Met his end along with his entire crew when his ship was ambushed by three pirate ships.
Date of birth/death: 3E337 - 3E389
Epitaph: (I can't think of anything catchy..., sorry)

Very generic and bland, I know, but if someone could come up with a good Epitaph it may be worthwhile.

"Where there is a sea there are pirates and where there are pirates there shall be death!"
Hows that? haha
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:13 pm

"Where there is a sea there are pirates and where there are pirates there shall be death!"
Hows that? haha

Yeh that could work :P
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 8:21 pm

Name: Bites-His-Tail the Argonian
Famous for: Master of spear and magick; collector of magical artifacts.
City: Chorrol
Date of birth/death: 3E 279 - 3E 327
Brief epitaph: Named for his habits in childhood. Died for his habits in advlthood.
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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu May 26, 2011 11:52 pm

We seem to be low on the moth people, not to worry!
(if u havent noticed i been trying to make it "comical" sayings :P

Name: Belno Essafar
Race: Breton
Life: 2E 213
Death: 2E 299
Famous For: Holy Devotion to the 9 Divines and since he was blind he unfortuantly drowned in holy water when he slipped and hit his head on the water pan leaving his head submerged somewhat underwater...he was found dead 2 days later when the fellow monks smelled a dead corpse..." :P
Epitaph: "Refrain from drinking the Holy Water, Thank You."
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:06 am

Name : Illumos
Race : Imperial
Born : 3E 320
Died : 3E 369
Famous For : High-Ranking Fighter's Guild member, Mage's Guild member as well as a brief spell serving the Imperial Gaurd
Epitaph : "Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?"

Thanks =] doesnt matter which city, just dnt make him a moth >.<
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Adam Baumgartner
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