http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1044133 Use it instead, thanks!
@ Darkom95, Jaguar Knight, Nanu Ra, Omegacron, Ulmarik Oblivion, Trademark, cobb, Montmorency : Excellent! Thanks!
@ biulding3015: The greatest vacancy is in Cheydinhal's crypts.

@ xXAequitasXx: I will change your "Famous For" to something more fitting to the Crusaders, and something that is not related to the main quest. Thanks!
@Eldani: Thanks! And nice bio as well.

@Redemption121: Hehe, I'll keep the name, but I'll find another reason for being famous.

@Fiore1300: I'm afraid Sloads wouldn't be buried in Undercrofts, but rather shipped back to their homelands.

@AyumiFan: I'm sure wild dogs were tamed before that time. Instead, he can be famous for training wild dogs for the Legions. Oh, and I'll change the dates as well. The Orcs were not accepted in the Empire during that time. Mugri Gro-Snak-Snak is fine.

@Bone Collector: Whoa!

@Mitchman: Indal Bywater is perfect. Thanks! But the Ancestor Moth priest is a bit silly (Yet it cracked me up.

@Bites-His-Tail: Reminds me of my Morrowind character. A treasure hunter, spear-wielding and magick-casting Argonian. Thanks!