Oblivifall has been announced: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1038866&st=0
I also want to add names and epitaphs to the bodies found in the numerous chapel undercroft areas. And now, I thought it would be cool to have them named after characters that you, Oblivion players, use.
I am looking only for dead characters who were famous for their heroic deeds, their standing or simply had money to be buried there.
No bandits though. Because, afterall, you wouldn't find bandits and criminals having their private tombs inside a chapel's undercroft!

Do no post spoilers related to Oblivion's quests. If you feel the need to do so, put them in spoiler tags
If you are interested, submit me here your character's information like this :
Name :
Famous for/Profession :
City in which you want the character buried :
Date of birth and death :
Brief epitaph (Optional but recommended)
Please know that I accept only characters with Lore-Friendly names, and also characters whose heroic deeds are not associated with any of Oblivion's quests. I'll change the names if they don't fit with the lore.
Number of Corpse/Tombs in each Cathedral :
Leyawiin : 15/19
Bruma : 19/19 (DONE)
Chorrol : 15/18
Cheydinhal : 15/43
ANvil : 8/10
Bravil : 7/10
Skingrad : 10/10 (DONE)
Kvatch : 5/8
Temple of Ancester Moth: 1/13 (10)
(We can do it!)
(Though I think I can show some teaser screenshots...)
And thanks for those who submitted characters! :goodjob:
Users who suggested:
Segvirion, Yevic, Jaden, HeX_0ff, RichardRocket009, Orbitor, Celestina, blackouTT-117, Tank1519, Gregasaurus, Timewalker,
ElDani, Zabre, Tanya, Mr. Bibliophile, Mishaxhi, Nextmastermind, Riveon, cobb, ArgonianPimp, IglooGreenhouse, bobbety,
Mutt, Synnoveance, Lokee, Siric, Koops-64, Mitchman, Arabian Knight, Hunter Parasite, DemonsShade, Barihawk, Dakorma,
Starwing, ElDani, NZdawghaus, Nightmare470, F0xHunter, Squirrel93, CryWolf, Pushkatu, Kylejustgot, Bodevanlot, RavinXX, StarX
Locksley, Jonarus_Drakus, obbob, Jaden, darkmast508, bionicle, Neo Matrix, Cold Steel, Seamus Finnigan, CorePC, paladin181,