» Sat May 28, 2011 3:40 am
Kevin heard the old damaged speaker go off, and the sound of Luke's voice from the intercom telling everyone to wake up and get moving to the dining hall.
"Finally, here's hoping for something tasty.", Kevin mumbled to himself slowly waking himself up.
After putting his clothes on, he still felt good and was ready to go out and talk for a while.
He entered the main room, and noticed Giles and Luke already sitting and eating some punga fruit, along with David. Kevin took a breath in, and spoke directly to Luke.
"Hey Luke, I know last night I was being a real selfish idiot. I guess i'm just saying i'm sorry for starting this tour with a bad note.".
He felt weird, as he wasn't used to apologizing. More used to using his guns rather than his voice, in the wasteland. Kevin shrugged his shoulders, and sat down in one of the cold metal chairs around the table. Looking at the punga fruit, and thinking about how he really didn't eat, almost a second later after apologizing, he asked:
"By the way, could I have some of this fruit?".