brown haired man, wearing a old duster and sporting a old fashioned Rifle( He beckons to you; "Hey there wastelandah!, woncha come ova here!"
You tread over, and the man, who introduces himself as Luke Jackson (Survivalist), offers you a deal. "A ride on my ferry to a mysterious place,
Point Lookout!" He says, grinning and taking a swig of something from a jar. "Than, a free riva tour via my spectacular river boat! A safari!
Showen ya all the places worth scavengin and asplorin in this great island! Getting ya ready for the harsh part too!"
You ask the man a price. He points to a sign on your right. " Seven-Hundred Caps" It says.
You agree, and meet the other passengers. What could go wrong?
This is a serious RP about exploring the wastes of Point Lookout. I doubt it's the first of it's kind, but it shall be fun anyways.
It is serious though. If your not a great writer, I.E. your not fluent with english, then this isn't for you. I will except a max of 5 people aside from myself.
Luke Jackson, your beloved tour guide, will be played by me, as will one of the guests. So yes, I have two characters, to a degree.
*No godmodding. You character should be a Novice wastelander, who isn't a seasoned adventurer.
*No great equipment. Don't have guns that would be hard to get, unless you have a reason for them. None of the following: Armor that isn't leather, or custom and weak. Big-Guns, higher energy weapons than the laser rifle and plasma pistol (which must have GOOD explanations(spelling check on that please?)), Unique/DLC weapons, Hard to obtain items, I.E. a Supersledge.
*Personalize yourself. Have a custom gun, a custom outfit, and a unique personality. Do not godmod with this, or try to be funny.
*Don't make a dorky character. A super intelligent war machine named DAH DESTROYER!!!!1, is not a good character.
*Give yourself flaws. It's fun. Really...
*Don't create a ton of characters willy nilly.
*Don't try to change the plot or forward it a different way. You didn't just find the alien blaster. There is not a giant deathclaw on the horizon. I'm fine if your character is the first to notice something, but don't do this over and over. ---Pointing out swampfolk is fine. If we just killed 3, pointing out more is not.
*Let me direct the plot, and just sit back and play along, doing stuff when it's good. It is a lot more fun and easy to keep up with.
*Be realistic. I don't care if in the game you cant headshot a swamplurk with a chinese pistol. If it can kill it, it should.
*You can't carry everything you find.
*You are not the Lone-Wanderer. This takes place after he was here. You don't have a pipboy. Sorry.
*Please fill out every part of the character template.
*You must be an decent+ writer to be part of this.
*You have to use ammo, so try to count up how many shots you've used.
*Don't always try to be the hero. If you just killed an enemy, stay back and back the person up.
*Bad spelling is allowed if doing it to show speech influents. But don't go overboard.
*Let me lead the story, I'll make time pass, you won't.
*Don't post over an over, let everyone have a chance.
Having done a multitude of RP's, part of the fun is scene description.
I may find certain songs, (From Metal to Instrumental), that can be used with the RP for background music.
If I do, in the RP, there will be a way for the characters to hear it (Jukebox, Radio), so you can listen to it while you type.
It adds more emotion.
But let me do this alright?
I play on XBOX 360, so I cannot take pictures from the game. But, If I find a good one on google, or I can employ you guys
to grab me one, that would be great. This would be for certain locations, and when your making your bio, try to find a picture of your character.
So I know what were going off of.
----------Character Bio---------
Follow this the same way I use with my bio's.
Name: What we shall call you.
Race: Hispanic, Caucasian, African-American, Asian, whichever.
Age: Don't make yourself 80. Don't make yourself 18. 20-35 is prefered range. Out of that range, please ask me first.
Eyes: Blue, Black, Red. Whatever. Not this hard.
Class: What are you good at?
Class Description: Nuff said.
Clothing: Customized. Black jeans and a t shirt, a little to modern though.
Appearance: Include picture if possible, describe well.
Weapons: Do not godmod. If you have a weapon I think is to great, I will point it out. We WILL find more equipment.
Food/Water: We will find this, but feel free to have brought some aswell.
Other-Supplies: Grenades, Telescopes, Rope, Just make sure you would really have this, and make sure it isn't godmodding. Or I will.
Perks: Say what? Yes, I know. This is past knowledge or skills your character has developed. I will have to OK your perks, and how many you have.
Weaknesses: You must have some of these. I would like each person to have three, but check with me if you want less.
Personality: Don't be an idiot (without good measure anyway), and don't be an emo assassin of death.
Backgrounds: Make something new. Your parents aren't neccasarily dead, you don't have to avenge them, you didn't fend for yourself, cut yourself a little slack.
-----------My Characters------------
Name: Lucas Jackson
Race: Caucasian
Age: 42.
Eyes: Blue
Class: Survivalist
Class Description: Luke grew up in the swamplands of Pointlookout. He knows about the flora, the fauna, and weaponry. But he doesn't know
technology that great, besides how to fix and make a gun.
Clothing: Black Duster, old and weathered, with holes in the sides. Bullet holes.
Appearance: (, Luke has Brown hair, shaped up and nicely combed. His face is
clean too. Has brilliant blue eyes. His hands are worn and blistered, and across his left is a burn mark, obviously from a gun. He wears his duster to cover up to his neck and legs,
to protect him from the plants and animals of the swamp. He has waterproof boots, for obvious reasons.
Weapons: A lever-action 32. Rifle. It has a clip of 14, large for it's type. A small sight, made from carved wood. Has a wooden stalk, and a metal barrel melted across the wood.
The handle is made of melted steel. This rifle is in good condition, and is a good shot.
Food/Water: A trunk of water in his fridge on the ship. 20 bags of Chips, 10 packs of Dandy-Boy apples, and a large case full of punga, are also store on his ship.
He has 7 molerat steaks, fresh caught.
Other-Supplies: Map of the river you'll be sailing. 5 frag grenades. On his boat are a variety of 10 frag mines, 3 bottle cap mines, and 30 odd-some bear traps. A small radio on his boat. His shop's stock. 500 32. bullets.
Perks: Swimming and Boating: Can sail and swim great. Speedy Fingers: Can reload all 14 rounds of his gun in 6 seconds. Repair-Man: Can repair guns, traps, and general appliances.
Weaknesses: Left hand is scarred, and he can't move that wrist well. Has torn hamstrings, and can't run very well. He is afraid of dogs, "cuz they ain't done nuthin good for nu-un!"
Personality: Very "nice", but out for himself. Protects his tour guests, but only for repeat buisness. Otherwise kind, and not know it all ish. Probably cause he doesn't...
Backgrounds: Was born on point-lookout, and was raised by the local tribals. He however, learned not to be a "Mud-wrangler" and left the tribe at 14. Spent his life living in the docks, and trapping molerat and other game. Once, a boat pulled up, owned by a man name Jess. Jess payed Luke 25 caps to hold the keys and defend his boat while he was off on the island. Jess passed away sometime during his adventure. Getting tired of waiting, Luke took the boat, and made it his own. Eventually, he found a second, smaller, but still good boat. This became the riverboat. He sailed his bigger boat for a while, until he came to the capital wasteland. He started his tour buisness, selling moonshine, pungafruit, and small arms on the side.
(I am aware that he has a boat and you don't. But he is your tourguide, and is allowed to have more supplies then you, seeing as he has housing.)
Name: Gules Andrews
Race: Caucasian
Age: 23
Eyes: Grey
Class: Ecologist
Class Description: Gules studies the cycles of the remaining fauna/flora. He knows a lot about the cycles and habitats of various animals in the wastes. He also
knows how to use traps and guns, of which he uses his special dartgun mainly.
Clothing: Black fedora, held on the top of his head. He wears a faded tan-grey lab/trench coat. It is called this, because several pockets have been sewn on. He wears
Grey boots, hooking to the legs of his pants, to prevent getting water in his shoes. He must un-hook them to take them off, a process which takes 30 seconds. Under his trench is a black
belted shirt, afixed with leather to protect him minorly from attacks at the chest. (No picture, sorry)
Appearance: Long brown hair, parted in the middle. Grey, intrigued eyes. His hair is pushed down from his hat. He has pale-ish skin.
Weapons: Unique Dart-Gun, made from a 10-mm Chinese Pistol, surgical tubing, two iron rods (melted into the foundation of the gun), and a small plastic tank to hold poison.
This gun fire both crippling poison darts, and poison 10-mm slugs. These rounds can poison the enemy, but the poison must be refilled. He can use Rad-Scorp or Bloatfly poison.
Food/Water: Small box of dried noodles, 6 bottles of pure water, and a bag of dried brahmin jerky.
Other-Supplies: Two refills of his poison, his research book (can find info on Capital Waste Animals in a short time from it), a pencil, and a pre-war camera/devoloping equipment. 30 10-mm slugs.
Perks: Animal Knowledge: Can pinpoint info on animals based on memory. Light Body: Is light, and can balance and run well.
Weaknesses: Not heavy, can get knocked down easy. Has bad reflexes, can't react quickly as some.
Personality: A bit of a Know-it-all, but otherwise polite and refined. Not shy, but not neccesarily loud and outspoken.
Backgrounds: He was raised in Megaton, as a pretty sheltered kid for the wasteland. Not to say he hasn't seen the horrors, but he didn't have
all sorts of hardships. He did work for Moira Brown for a while, and she eventually made him a research assistant at age 17. He worked for her,
gathering information. Eventually he quit to go work as a researcher of animals, prefering that to cleaning and dusting.
He came across the ferry while studying molerat prey drives.
STOP, make sure you've read my bios.
Our story begins with us all on the boat, eating food Luke has given us free of charge, discussing our backgrounds.
We will start when we have 6 people.