Loopy’s Serious Guide to Skyrim Combat Mods
ACHTUNG!: This is a work in progress. I’m still adding content, improving the layout and double checking facts so keep that in mind if you do comment. If you see an error, maybe best to PM me rather than post a comment as it may clutter the thread. I’d prefer to keep comments focussed on discussion of the mods and mod combinations. Any suggestions on improving the content and in particular the classification system are welcome.
What is this?
This guide endeavours to perform a comprehensive anolysis of all of the mods affecting combat and NPC AI in order to assist users in making an informed decision about which combinations of mods to use in their game. Some may be aware of http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1401728-cant-decide-which-combat-mod/?p=21342168#entry21342168 thread (also linked on the G.E.M.S. website) which is useful for giving a flavor of some of the various combat mods. However, it is over two years old now and therefore out-of-date. There are also many other discussion threads about which combat mod or combination thereof is preferred by users. However, to my knowledge there is no comprehensive anolysis.
I have attempted a classification of the mods based on what each mod changes to achieve its desired outcome. The categories are:
- Combat styles based
- Perk based
- Stamina based
- Hybrid
Some fit easily, some defy easy categorization because of the scope of their changes. Combinations of mods will complicate this somewhat arbitrary classification system but I feel it assists in being a starting point for meaningful comparisons.
I’ve tried to keep the writing style as neutral as possible; however where a mod does something I think is unique I have mentioned that, and inevitably when I try out various combinations of mods some personal preference will come in to it. I’ll try to keep that to a minimum.
It's too long!
To mimimize TL;DR syndrome I’ve standardised the presentation and used bullet points to facilitate skim reading. I could probably even email you the MSWord document I drafted the original on - PM me if you like.
It just summarizes what the mods do. I want MOAR!
At the moment I have performed an overview of most of the main mods affecting combat including, where appropriate, supplementary and complementary mods.
In the future I aim to flesh this out even further, possibly make it more comprehensive, hopefully more anolytical. Of course, all this may not answer the most important question: How does the mod actually play in-game?!?!? Hence, I have already used some of the mods on a clean install of Skyrim and will update the thread with write-ups of these and more in the future.
I will also experiment with different mod combinations in search of “sweet spots” and synergies.
What are Combat Styles?
By way of an explanation of combat styles and how they work, I have copy/pasted the relevant section from the Creation Kit wiki below (emphasis my own):
Melee Tab Attack Bash Misc
Here's a breakdown on the meanings of the variable fields you can input. These forms are found under the "Miscellaneous" section in the Object Window.
General Tab
Well done if you got through that...!
There are two important things to note from this description and from the linked page on AI Packages:
- Whilst Combat Style is highly customisable, the modder cannot specify actor combat tactics other than in a limited way via AI packages;
- The modder has no control over the mechanics of combat.
Unfortunately that means that, in general, outside of scripting, a modder is limited to how effective he/she can be at overhauling Skyrim's combat.
If any of the mod authors read this (I'd be grateful if you did) and would care to comment or PM me, please do so as I may have got some details wrong or my explanation of what the mod does might need improvement.
For testing purposes, I'm running a bare-bones vanilla install with the following load order of what I consider are the necessities:
One last thing: please don’t criticize a mod for its degree of realism as it is a subjective concept that can spawn arguments. I prefer to ask myself whether I find the mod or combination of mods convincing in terms if the kind of combat experience I want to have. And that too will differ from person to person.
Combat Styles Based Mods
Requires: Skyrim 1.9.32, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Scripts: N
Perks: N
Modular: Y
- A “light” combat and stealth overhaul which changes combat styles, game settings and NPC spells
- Doesn't change perks or leveled lists.
- It enhances the following: stagger, knockdown, enemy skills, enemy damage and more.
- Combat sneaking is more difficult
- Per vanilla
- Successful block prevents 95% of damage
Combat Mechanics
- Depends on module selected but enemies do more damage (including enemy spells)
- Enemies are a bit more likely to flee or get knocked down when low on health
- Stealth is overhauled so combat sneaking is more difficult
Poisons (including creature poison) are much more dangerous - Maximum magic resistance and armor rating have been reduced
- Bosses may dual wield
Enhancements to AI
- Multiple enemies will try to surround player
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Effect of staggering enhanced
- Per vanilla
Shield Bashing
- Per vanilla
- Designed to compliment what the mod author refers to as the major combat overhauls: Duel - Combat Realism, Deadly Combat and Ultimate Combat although author does mention later on that this mod overwrites some of their settings if loaded after them.
- Mostly compatible with Revenge of the Enemies, Supernatural AI, SkyRe, ASIS, Requiem, and SkyTEST as long as you place Combat Evolved after these mods including all of their patches.
- Works with SkyRe (via module) and ASIS.
- Incompatible with ERSO 30 – Better Enemy AI
- BOSS & LOOT will not sort properly - need to create custom rule.
Requirements: install the appropriate .esp
Scripts: N
Perks: N
Modular: N
- A 'light' overhaul that increases all enemy (except Dragons) use of shield bash, wards, spells and special attacks by changing only vanilla combat styles.
- Mages will use the best combination of spells possible
- Leveled lists unchanged.
- Per vanilla
- Per vanilla
Combat Mechanics
- Only to combat styles
Enhancements to Enemy AI
- None
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Per vanilla
- Per vanilla
Shield Bashing
- Increased likelihood via adjusting combat styles
- Should be compatible with most other combat mods
- Synergy with Ultimate Combat
Brodual’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpwsraPUNPg
Requirements: TBC
Scripts: N
Perks: N
Modular: N
- This mod modifies vanilla combat styles and combat multipliers. From the author’s mod page:
What this mod does:
Smarter NPC combat behaviour; NPCs are now more likely to
- Use power attacks more effectively (i.e. power attack when their enemy is blocking/staggered)
- Attack more aggressively when in groups (including mages/archers)
- Try to bash and block
- Attack when their enemy is not blocking
- Disengage from melee combat (if NPC is an archer/mage) when they gain distance from their enemy
- Attempt to circle their enemy if they can't find an angle for attack
- Archers/mages have increased desire to navigate away from enemies to avoid melee combat
Expand differences in combat styles to make combat more immersive
- NPCs using the 'beserker' combat style will spend the majority of their time attacking, while NPCs using the 'tank' combat style will spend most of their time blocking or defending
- A farmer will be much less effective in combat than a bandit ringleader
- Draugr charge straight towards enemies and spend very little time blocking
- Wolves will circle around an enemy and only attack for short periods before circling again. In larger packs, wolves will rotate in for the attack while the rest circle their enemy
- Dragons now highly prefer hovering/strafing attacks over perched/ground attacks. To balance this for melee players, when dragons do decide to land, they stay landed for an increased amount of time. Also, dragons are now more prone to perform special ground moves (for example, tail bashing an enemy attacking from behind.)
- 15% chance to choose to dodge an arrow attack
- Per vanilla
Combat Mechanics
- Changes to combat styles and combat multipliers
Enhancements to AI
- Actors more likely to use tactics in combat
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Per vanilla
- Per vanilla
Shield Bashing
- Increases likelihood of occurring
- Duel – Combat Realism, Amazing Follower Tweaks
- NPCs from mods should take advantage of the changes made from this mod, unless they're given a unique combat style (which is rare)
Requirements: Skyrim, 1.9.32, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
Scripts: N
Perks: N
Modular: N
- This mod increases the level of enemies in encounter zones and adds unique skills most actors (except Forsworn and bandits)
- Most enemies now have new magic and will use a wider variety of spells; some have unique and powerful magic
- Actors will use their daily racial abilities
- Actors will block, dodge and power attack more often
- Adds high level enemies
- Bosses are far more powerful with unique AI
- Does not adjust actor damage values
- Special abilities added (spoilered):
Vampire – bat form Dwemer Sphere – artillery
- Per vanilla
- Per vanilla
Combat Mechanics
- Refer synopsis
Enhancements to Enemy AI
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Per vanilla
Shield Bashing
- As above
- SPERG, ACE, Ultimate Combat, Enhanced Enemy AI, Duel – Combat Realism, Deadly Dragons, Mighty Dragons, SkyTest, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Better Vampires, Deadly Combat, ASIS.
- Refer mod page for compatibility with: SkyRe, Skyrim Monsters, Skyrim Immersive Creatures.
- OBIS: make a custom patch with TES5Edit, copy OBIS info into it to overwrite ROTE in the needed places (Source warriorpoetex on nexus forum for mod)
Note: Brodual’s review used this mod in conjunction with UC, EEAI
Perk Based Combat Mods
Requirements: TBC
Scripts: N
Perks: Y
Modular: Y
It’s not wholly accurate to put ACE in this category based on perks alone as it makes some clever and very sensible changes to combat mechanics.
ACE mods are a set of modular mods (10 in all not including compatibility patches) which each address an area of the game. ACE’s changes are broad and comprehensive and I will include the following modules separately:
- ACE – Melee
- ACE – Realistic Fighting
However, keep in mind that most if not all of ACE’s modules will affect combat to an extent and there is also a Synergy module which is worth checking out. Both ACE – Archery and ACE – Armor introduce further perks and other components that will affect combat.
ACE - Melee
ACE – Melee implements its changes by way of:
- applying logical bonuses based on the actor’s stance (ie 1-Handed, 2-Handed, sword & shield, spellsword, staff and dual wield).
- introducing new perks
- applying logical buffs and bonuses based on the type of weapon wielded
- Significant changes – refer to mod’s readme
- Per vanilla aside from minor changes from various modules
Combat Mechanics
- Implements stances which provide various bonuses
- Weapon types yield differing bonuses
- 1-Handed weapons receive added critical damage based on 1-Handed skill
Enhancements to Enemy AI
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Half damage from 1-Handed PA’s
- Per vanilla but affected dynamically by specific perks across the various modules
- Stamina use halved when using 1-Handed weapons
Shield Bashing
- Per Vanilla
- The Dance of Death – fully compatible with both perks and non-perks version
- Duel – Combat Realism 99% compatible, load ACE after Duel (will lose Duel function where actor does less damage when stamina below 10%)
- Not compatible with any mod that alters the 1Handed/2Handed skill trees or increases the weapon attack speeds as ACE fixes the vanilla base weapon speed bug. ( refer mod webpage for a fix).
- Not compatible with Smithing Perks Overhaul (SPO) as is unnecessary as ACE affects all weapons & armor in the game.
ACE – Realistic Fighting
ACE – Realistic Fighting applies bonuses and penalties to combat based on many factors such as sleeping, prone, sure-/flat-footed, casting, power attacking, momentum, geometry, holding a torch, distance from target and many more and of course benefits from the perks introduced in the Melee (and other) module
- Not moving improves bow damage by 7%
- 15% greater damage if crouching/sneaking or if point blank
- Damage adjusted based on direction of attack
Combat Mechanics
- Refer above summary
Enhancements to Enemy AI
- None – hence recommended mod be used with ASIS
- Per vanilla but affected dynamically by specific perks across the various modules
Shield Bashing
- Not changed by this module
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Not changed by this module
- Designed to be compatible with Duel – Combat Realism, Deadly Combat and ASIS
- Each ACE module benefits from having ASIS installed as all NPCs will get ACE’s perks and effects. If ASIS is installed, "_PC" (without quotation marks) should be added to the [PerkExclusionsContains] section of the ASIS AutomaticPerks.ini
Requirements: Skyrim v1.9.32, Dawnguard, SkyUI v4.1+, SKSE v 1.6.16+
Scripts: Y
Perks: Y
Modular: N but customizable via MCM
Requiem has garnered the reputation of being an overhaul suited to the hardcoe player. This is not wholly accurate. Requiem achieves its aims by eliminating Skyrim’s levelling system and altering levelled lists. As bg2408 would say, the overhaul is place-centric rather than player-centric.
I have restricted my anolysis to the changes it makes to combat; however this doesn’t do justice to how well the mod hangs together in its entirety.
Requiem also makes major changes to the perks and skills systems in addition to other broad and comprehensive changes to almost all facets of the game. Armor skill increases gradually and passively by wearing the appropriate armor and adventuring forth...
- Damage now depends on range and skill level
- NPC archers carry a limited supply of arrows
- Bows are far more deadly
- Per vanilla aside from increased stamina consumption
Combat Mechanics
- Being hit in combat doesn’t just drain health; other consequences may be magicka and stamina drain or being disarmed
- Greater distinction between light and heavy armor
- Heavy armor offers greater ability to bsorb damage and exceptional protection against arrows at the cost of mobility
- Light armor offers limited protection whilst retaining mobility
- Enemies use special attacks and poisons more often
- Weapon damage increased slightly
- Resistances maxed at 90% but some foes have armor piercing (or similar) capability
- Critical injuries and exhaustion will severely impact your ability to fight effectively
- Most essential NPC’s can now be killed by the player (can adjust in MCM menu)
- Unique traits and abilities have been added to many creatures requiring the player to experiment with and develop new tactics
- The difficulty slider under Skyrim gameplay options has been disabled; difficulty can be adjusted via to mod’s MCM menu
- No changing armor (except shields) in combat (can adjust in MCM menu)
- Many of the new perks will also impact upon combat, including the magic-related perks
- NPC yield system more immersive
Enhancements to AI
- Greater diversity of attacks
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Actors now less prone to stagger and some are immune
- Player can be staggered more often from any hit (not just PA’s)
- Knockdown attacks can be performed by actors and are based on the actor’s mass; hence mounted knockdowns are far more effective
- Weapon skill has a major impact on stamina consumption
- Blocking and normal attacks consume stamina
Shield Bashing
- May disarm archers or break their weapon
A hardcoe edition of Requiem exists entitled: Requiem – Hard Times
The mod’s guide lists a number of compatibility patches for other DLC/mods which include:
- Dragonborn
- Dawnguard
- Wyrmstooth
- Immersive Armours, Weapons, Creatures, Patrols
- Falkskaar
Stamina Based Combat Mods
Requirements: Skyrim 1.9.32, SKSE 1.6.16+, SkyUI v3.0+
Scripts: Y
Perks: N
Modular: Y
Note: Per comments on mod nexus page this mod author is now working on other projects so may not be updating this mod.
- Increases the pace of vanilla combat, stamina cost and stamina regeneration rate
- Uniformly reduces the effectiveness of armor, therefore you will only get the best protection from a combination of the best armor, high skills and perks.
- Enhances the effectiveness and importance of blocking
- Increases damage applied for all actors
- Reduces weapon attack range
- Increases importance of timing weapon swings and blocks
- Nerfing of Ranger perk in archery tree means slower running with bow drawn
- More effective; costs stamina
- Timed blocking and warding
- Refer nexus page for comprehensive anolysis and examples
Combat Mechanics
- All armor ratings uniformly reduced
- All damage increased
- Shorter melee attack ranges
- Armor weight affects movement speed
- NPCs can perform forward roll in combat
- Simultaneously moving sideways and backwards whilst attacking is slower than vanilla especially if using a 1-Handed weapon; 2-Handed weapon – no change
- Locational damage (similar to Locational Damage mod by Kahmul78)
- Recommended to use Dual Wield Parrying by same author
Enhancements to AI
- Reactive: dynamic reactions to player actions based on a variety of factors
- Proactive: may attack player’s mount
Power Attacks/Staggering
- PA’s cost more stamina
- Normal attacks may stagger enemy
NPCs may attempt to dodge PAs
- Blocking costs stamina & stamina cost for power attacks is increased
- Stamina regeneration rate increased during combat and increased further still when idle
Shield Bashing
NPCs will bash more and is situational rather than based on chance
- Dance of Death
- Skyre’s combat module – load DC after. Set equal numbers for both player & NPCs and use SkyTweak to raise NPC’s levels so fights are balanced; also use SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp and turn off DC’s timed block in-game. (xPatosonx on nexus forum)
- NPC Health Equaliser
- Deadly Combat_ASIS_Patch.esp improves interaction between ASIS AI component and Deadly Combat AI if loaded after ASIS.esp.
- Incompatible with Ultimate Combat, Duel – Combat Realism, Duke Patrick’s Heavy/Light Combat
Requirements: Skyrim 1.9.32, SKSE 1.6.9+, SkyUI 3.1+
Scripts: Y
Perks: N
Modular: N but configurable via MCM
Brodual’s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qQD1VO69Gs
- A combat overhaul which combines all the TK mechanic mods into one covering most humanoid NPC's
- It focuses on precise and responsive combat via numerical game settings, new enemy action special attacks & spells, dodges, counters, blocks and bashes which depend upon player behaviour and situation
- Player and enemy direction and speed also dynamically affect damage dealt/received.
- NPCs dodge and block more effectively, ie only when they need to.
- Timed blocking means successfully timed blocks won't decrease stamina or HP and the enemy will stagger.
- Headshots deal additional damage
- Separate mechanics for Dragon Priests & Dwemer Centurions (spoilered below):
Dragon Priests are now augmented with new attacks that slow, stagger and deal damage, and a new dodge spell.
For more refer to the mod's nexus page
- Headshots cause additional damage
- Timed block if successful costs no stamina and staggers opponent
Combat Mechanics
- NPCs have special attacks in addition to power attacks
- Momentum affects damage dealt and received
Enhancements to AI
- NPCs play medic role to injured allies and defend wounded allies
- NPCs in groups exhibit different combat behaviours as opposed to single NPCs
- NPCs dynamically respond to player actions
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Timed block staggers opponent
- Consecutive staggers will have less effect.
- Stamina is an important component as each swing costs stamina and is also added to any power attack stamina cost
- Low stamina degrades blocking efficiency and disables timed block
- NPCs take advantage of player’s low stamina and press their attack
- Can’t attack if no stamina
Shield Bashing
- Per vanilla
- Indication of some synergy with EEAI
- Deadly Combat or Duel – Combat Realism
- SkyRe but turn off Weapon Swing Cost in UC MCM
- ASIS, ERSO, Enhanced Enemy AI, Locational Damage, ACE, High Level Enemies provided UC loaded after
Requirements: Unspecified
Scripts: Y (but limited)
Perks: Some tweaks
Modular: N
(There is also a non-hardcoe version)
- Duel focuses on stamina management and taking and retaining the initiative.
- Blocking is more effective than vanilla but requires more stamina and overall damage has been increased slightly.
- NPCs will block more often, manage their stamina more effectively and have enhanced teamwork AI, using flanking, hide and cooperative tactics.
- Duel wield parry enabled
- Stealth has been nerfed as enemies now search for much longer
- Arrows deal far more damage
- Use of scripts to control staggering based on perks and weapon
Specifics from the author’s nexus page (I have edited for spelling, grammar and readibility)
- While it costs stamina, blocking with shield or weapon cover you from damage
- Skyrim's base timed shield block optimized
- If you keep your shield raised, opponent should stagger you
- If you successfully block (timed) during an opponent's attack, you'll block his aggression and he'll stagger
- If you shield bash a casting mage, he'll stagger and lose his spell
- If you shield bash someone, he'll stagger
- Chance to stagger your opponent on each landing hit based on your stamina (tested against your opponent's)
- Shield effectiveness relative to your actual stamina score; less stamina means more damage transferred to health
- Improved AI, now an opponent with a shield knows how to use it
- When you hit your opponent, he loses health AND stamina based on weapon type you use
- Different stagger effect magnitude relative to weapon type; maces should have more chance to stagger than sword
- Stagger chances is better against lower levels, and get very hard to do against opponent that is higher level than you
- Less powerful Shield Bash, faster recovery for intense combat
- Fast recovery from knockdown too
- Closer Shield Bash (range), closer fighting range. both intended for more realistic animation and better AI triggers
- Weapons have better parrying capability
- Damage done against someone that is knocked back is lower than vanilla. This avoids an exploit relative to staggers
- Knockback happens only when opponent is near death
- And many more...
The mod author has also summarised what Duel doesn't do:
- New moves and combos
- Localization damage
- Changes to NPC A.I. Packages
- Magic tweaks
- NPCs healing themselves via spells or potions
- Archery is far more deadly particularly at higher difficulty levels
- Can block while staggered
- Successful block drains stamina
Combat Mechanics
- Reduces armor rating and increases weapon damage
- Stealth nerfed as alerted enemies will search for longer and have enhanced line of sight
- Unblocked blows hurt more
Enhancements to Enemy AI
- Enemies now block more effectively (via script)
- Enhanced teamwork AI (author claims best in Skyrim)
- NPC’s may now flee
Power Attacks/Staggering
- New stagger system controlled by scripts
- Can still block/attack/bash will staggered but less effectively
- Opponents have more base stamina
- Blocking requires more stamina than vanilla
- Low stamina reduces effectiveness of Armsman, Barbarian and Shieldwall
- Every successful hit includes a chance to stagger based on your stamina vs enemy’s stamina
Shield Bashing
- Will cause stagger (refer nexus mod page for comprehensive description)
- May cause enemy caster to lose spell
- Combat system doesn’t rely on keywords so full support for custom armors and weapons
- Support for armor rating up to 1000+ and level 100
- Can use together with SkyRe – Enemy AI module
Note: mod requires cleaning in TESEdit – this has been acknowledged by LogRaam
Hybrid: Stamina Based/Perk Based
Requirements: Registration at TESAlliance required to download
Scripts: Y
Perks: Y (Extensive changes – refer to documentation in mod’s archive)
Modular: N
http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1503749-duke-patricks-archery-and-heavy-light-weapons-combat/ (highly recommended)
I cannot do this mod justice with just a summary but I will attempt to do so anyway. This mod contains components outside of the areas I wanted to concentrate on and they add a huge amount of depth and flavor to the mod.
This mod sets out to be the most realistic combat simulation possible, taking its inspiration from real life SCA combat in which the mod maker (Duke Patrick) is a regular participant & champion. All features in the mod (bar one) work the same for all actors. Defence and stamina management are the most important components to consider in battle; one decent unblocked attack may very well mean death. An actor with more stamina, or who makes better use of available stamina, is able to defeat a more skilled opponent if they make no mistakes in combat. Combat geometry is an important component of this mod (ie an actor's position and angle relative to the opponent) and the actual length of the 3-D weapon model is used to determine striking distance.
- Strength now the most important component of calculating raw arrow damage, not marksmanship; high strength will help draw bow faster
- Actors can now run while shooting at the cost of accuracy; High marksmanship will ameliorate this penalty
- Crouching doubles accuracy while low stamina reduces it
- High marksmanship will reduce bow sway (1st person)
- Locational hits up to 60’
- Unhelmeted headshot may be instant kill. Difficult at long ranges
- Bow draw consumes stamina
- Dynamic draw time based on bow base damage
- Dynamic bow damage based on draw extent
- 100% recovery of arrows unless broken
- Weapons and shields can now deflect arrows
- Block skill now more important when blocking
- Static blocking with shield easier than with a weapon
- Blocking more effective at reducing damage based on skill level and shield size also has an effect
- Timed blocks reduce stamina consumption
- When blocking, weapon/shield size compared to attackers weapon size will determine stamina consumption (ie small blocking shield/weapon blocking large weapon will consume more stamina)
- Timed blocking with a weapon easier to perform than with a shield
- Timed blocking is more difficult to perform but more effective than static blocking
- Shields can block elemental and spit attacks under certain conditions
- Dual weapon blocking
Combat Mechanics
- All attacks consume stamina
- Rotational and linear movement increase damage dealt
- Damage from weapons and shields significantly increased
- Dynamic weapon speed
- Slower combat pacing
- Swings with balanced weapons (eg blades) consume less stamina if no target hit (doesn’t apply to inanimate objects)
- Swings with top heavy weapons that miss a target will consume more stamina (doesn’t apply to inanimate objects)
- Attack force calculated using a variety of logical factors, the magnitude of which determines the stamina required to block
- If attack force overwhelms defender a stagger or knockdown will result
- Drinking any potions forces a drink animation on player
- Comparative actor size, strength and weapon mass dynamically affect combat physics – if the difference is significant the smaller actor may be smashed around like a rag-doll
- Increased speed running backwards but with a trip and fall risk
- Logical health limits
- NPC’s can fumble
- Left-handed attacks more difficult to defend against
- Actors show pain
- New hand-to-hand skill incorporating blocks, kicks, deflection, perks, grapples which also force weapon drops
- Comprehensive light weapons mechanics with new perks such as being able to hit gaps in armor
- Location armor protects better against arrows, beasts and H2H attacks
- Dynamic feinting system that can be used to broach an enemy's physical defenses
Enhancements to AI
- NPC AI is dynamically adjusted depending on various combat conditions, including:
- Greater agression in numbers
- More effective blocking via scripting and adjustments to combat styles
- Pressing the attack if actor is exhausted
- Mini-retreat to rest and regenerate stamina
- Back-off from exceptional opponents
- Encirclement tactics
- Actively dodge arrows if in combat with player
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Attack force calculated using a variety of logical factors, the magnitude of which determines the stamina required to block - if attack force overwhelms defender a stagger or knockdown will result
- Minimum 25% stamina to perform power attack
- All attacks consume stamina
- Stamina affects damage dealt
- Regeneration in combat now very low
- Regeneration enhanced by remaining as idle as possible
- Encourages footwork and timing to manage stamina
- Minimum 10% stamina to perform normal attack
- Timed blocks reduce stamina consumption
Shield Bashing
- Minimum 25% stamina to perform bash attack
- Actors can shield charge and damage is dynamically calculated based on a number of factors including a new perk
- Skyrim.ini optional viewpoint adjustments recommended (refer archive)
- Always load dead last
- Realistic Ragdoll & Force rev1.8
- Punching Shield Bash Animation by blackrose86
- The Bastard by InsanitySorrow (hand-and-a-half sword)
- D13 Faster Get Up Stand Up vanilla friendly by DarkAngel13
- A frame rate limiter
Conflicting Mods
- In general due to the scope of changes enacted by this mod, it will conflict with most other combat mods and any mod which changes the following:
- Race settings
- Combat perks
- Stamina regeneration rate
- Combat styles
- Projectiles data
- Certain magic effects relating to block and stamina
- Weapon stats
- Combat game setting including armor and weapons
- All combat animation conditions
- Certain conditions on combat voice files
Not compatible with
- XP32 Skeleton
- HeartRate by Anzious
- Dance of Death
- Propert Aiming
- Get Wet by Optic Shooter
- Dual Sheath Redux by Neovalen
Requirements: Skyrim 1.9.32, SKSE, Skyrim Community Uncapper, Reproccer, a new game strongly recommended
Scripts: N
Perks: Y
Modular: Y
The heart of SkyRe is the changes it makes to the perk system but its changes go far beyond just that. Stamina management is important in combat. I will try to keep the focus on the Combat, Enemy AI modules and the complementary Enemy Scaling module. There is also an Encounter Zone module which assigns minimum levels to encounter zones (there’s hundreds of zone levels). If you prefer a randomized approach, the mod author recommends you use the WTF tool instead
- An actor using a bow will stagger if hit by melee weapon
- Consumes stamina but absorbs most damage
- [Enemy AI module] Enemies will block more
Combat Mechanics
- For direct unblocked weapon hits, debuffs of varying magnitude and type are applied, based on the power of the hit
- Debuffs consist of bleeding and armor penalties
- Enhanced armor protection against arrows; heavy armor provides exceptional protections vs arrows, less so against bolts
- Heavy armor slows movement based on number of pieces worn
- Heavy armor provides exceptional protection vs small foes & enhances protection vs bladed weapons
- [Enemy AI module] Combat styles enhanced
- [Enemy scaling module] Mod increases scope of level scaling, particularly bosses and high level enemies
- [Enemy scaling module] Enemies have more perks and spells (requires Skyrim Redone). Consider ASIS for a more comprehensive application of perks and spells to enemies.
- [Enemy scaling module] All creatures have been comprehensively enhanced in various ways (refer mod guide for specifics)
Enhancements to AI
- [Enemy AI module] Greater aggression in numbers
Power Attacks/Staggering
- Damage from all power attacks (excepting with daggers) is increased if stamina at minimum level
- Unblocked hits may cause stagger depending upon weapon type
- Unblocked power attacks may send defender flying
- [Enemy AI module] Enemies will attack more often especially when player is staggered
- All attacks consume stamina based on the weapon type
- Default stamina regeneration boosted by 100%, an additional 100% while standing still and an additional 50% if not blocking
- Buffs/debuffs applied based on stamina level and health level
- Reduced stamina consumption from power attacking
Shield Bashing
- Reach reduced
- NPC’s better at bashing vs power sttacks
Recommended Mods (combat related extracted from author’s mod guide)
- Locational damage
- More dynamic Injuries
- Enhanced Mighty Dragons/Deadly Dragons/Dragon Combat Overhaul
- Dual Wield Parrying
- ASIS (refer mod guide for list of exclusions for compatibility purposes)
Miscellaneous & Complementary Mods
Requirements: Unspecified
Scripts: N
Perks: See below
Modular: N
Not strictly a combat mod in the spirit of the mods above, however inclusion of this mod will have a profound effect on your gameplay. This mod makes available to NPC’s all perks, potions, spells etc that are available to you, assuming they meet the correct requirements (eg perks).
The main features of this mod per the author’s readme:
- Fully customizable spawn levels, including all added mods without any compatibility issues.
- NPC's have spells they meet the skill requirements for - including missing vanilla spells and spells from other mods.
- Customizable AI, soon to have an override feature to preserve full compatibility with other combat mods.
- NPC's now have potions, in fully customizable rarity levels.
- Additional customization of a range of game settings (optional, requires INI edits).
- A randomized spawn system for causing chaos in your game (potentially unstable and disabled by default).
- The mod uses an .ini file in order to customize itself to be compatible with almost any other mod. All instructions are in the readme.
- There are also available some supplementary/complementary mods/files for ASIS, all on the nexus:
- ASIS Improved INI files
- SkyRe ASIS .ini files so that both mods will play nice
- ASIS Falmer Vampire fix which prevents Falmer vampires from spawning with regular Falmer when using ASIS.
- Not a combat mod per se but included here as some actors have unique attacks added by the mod author.
- There is also OBIS Redone which is a visual overhaul to OBIS and requires OBIS to work.
- Increases level caps for most enemies therefore most enemies will continue to auto-level based on the Skyrim auto-levelling system.
- Compatible with all dragon mods.
- Drag and drop alternative creature textures and have them dynamically applied in game.
- Compatible with all mods
- Allows player to hug NPCs via a menu option when the NPC is activated
- Included here because violence isn't always the best solution
- Make love, not war and keep swinging
Version History
Updated and added further content to Deadly Combat description
Minor edits for consistency of terminology and readibility
Added description of mod: Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul under the perk based mods section
Updated and added further content to Duke Patrick's description, including information re feints
Added Free Hug Mod
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