well there were more effects, like paralyze, drain attribute, drain life . . . (but then again im not sure if those weapons im thinking of were in modded out OB or vanilla)
but there still should be more . . .
Aye, bu tto me those are just the same as damge this, absorb that; they aren't really creative. Since folks are so hung up on what their character looks like, it'd be great to have items affect looks (hence the ring of warts, that could add warts to a character's face and be seen in 3rd person). Or, how about belt of gasoiusness, that makes one reak of limburger cheese and inserts a nice little "ew what's that smell" from passers by

I"m not talking the practicality of these, but the creative and uniqueness

every unique should have a lvl, (id like uniques even at low lvls) and it would depend on which creature dropped it or what lvl dungeon you found it in. say a lvl 25 sword cant be found in a lvl 10-15 dungeon

Part of the fun of risking your neck in an incredibly dificult dungeon is trying to get that extremely high reward! Getting my butt kicked for goods time and time again makes it intersting; always getting loot that's roughly the same level as me gets depressing and takes out the "surprise" factor in the treasure :shrug: