By that I mean, I should NOT be finding imperial bows deep inside a dwemer ruin. Am I to beleive the legion went into the ruin and simply left their equipment in chests? This destroys immersion imo.
By that I mean, I should NOT be finding imperial bows deep inside a dwemer ruin. Am I to beleive the legion went into the ruin and simply left their equipment in chests? This destroys immersion imo.
I think random loot is better. I don't care if I find an imperial bow in a Nordic ruin or an elven weapon in another Nordic ruin.
Actually, for elven weapons in Nordic ruins, the Nords did fight with the Snow Elves back in the olden days, so it kinda fits, a little.
Be Quiet and read that copy of "Holds of Skyrim" found in a Nordic Barrow that has been sealed since the First Era
I do not like the Fourth Wall being hammered by 11-11-11. The Bow should at least have been renamed to Colovian Steel Bow.
My sense of immersion is already way past the point of destroyed when i'm walking around a dungeon lit like a shopping mall.
But I agree. Certain types of loot should only be found in certain places. Other stuff should be placed more randomly.
unless the draugr keep taking turns lighting the place, I often wondered why sealed locations always looked like someone had just gotten there before I did despite the fact I bought the only claw key to get in, a hold or so away from here. Delphine again I bet... always nosing into my adventures... heh.
at least your not finding imperial bows in the inventory of draugr. mostly Nordic, ebony and daedric as your lv increases.
I like this idea!
I think if you are bold enough venture into a Dwemer ruin it's only logical to find some good dwarvern loot. Of course the could be various other types of equipment like ebony or glass but mainly dwarvern. I also like what Bethesda did making 'Honed' types of weapons, it's a shame the model was exactly the same as the regular version though.
All of the dungeons in the Elder Scrolls series are too bright in my opinion.
It's pretty easy for the developers to make up plausible reasons for the dungeons being permanently well lit... but we all know that the real reason they do it is because they're worried gamers will get frustrated if it's too dark, or if they're forced to use a torch.
It's pretty remarkable how much a darker dungeons mod can improve the game. It actually makes the Draugr seem vaguely intimidating, and i'm so overwhelmed and disoriented by the atmosphere that I forgot how boring and linear Skyrim's dungeons are.
I have to agree with this because it's kinda silly to find Imperial Armor in a ruin that's been sealed for thousands of years.
You say that as if 11/11/11 would have had any effect on the design of loot lists (versus the designers just not thinking about it at all/not caring in the first place).
Sure, some features were removed or cut down due to time constraints. But a number of others (that people keep blaming 11/11/11 for) were deliberate design decisions of devs who just don't think about it the same way you do.
(On the one hand, some small amount of "modern" loot in a dungeon can be explained away as being brought in by previous explorers who died. On the other... yeah, location-specific loot lists wouldn't be a bad idea. And it even works with the game scaling - after all, they did have multiple strengths of Draugr weapons for people to find.)
In that case, we'd be swimming in ancient nordic gear.
It was a nice touch with a mod called Conan, Hyborian Age on Nexus. The caves/crypt are dark but you can light torches, and basins full of coal. A very immersive idea. vanilla crypts should have been the same. Gotta light your way to explore. Now for RP people who like immersive stuff this would seem fine. But for objective driven gamers... maybe not so much since they have to light the way.
Realistic Lighting Overhaul on nexus is also a good mod at really making a cave seem dark. I had to always carry a torch or lantern after installing that mod.
Uh yeah.... cos that makes total sense. So all my gear moved itself into a chest off my corpse? Please thing before you post.
No, but an imperial bow, or some other modern stuff scrambled up in a corner near that skeleton..... not all loot in a dungeon is in chests.
...not sure why you got so offended by that one comment. Especially since I followed it up by supporting your general idea of location-specific loot.
Ahem... fixed, first of all.
Why did you get so offended by this one comment? And feel the need to put someone else down? For the most part, people agree with you. Don't turn that all around with a dikeish attitude towards someone who didn't even disagree with you, just contributed a little headcanon of his.
Think before you post.
I agree with your idea, but your attitude needs some work.
Did your brain just skip a step and couldn't fathom the idea of, say, someone finding a load of loot and stashing it before leaving the dungeon (as people do, see the Dwarves in the Hobbit movie) and then getting killed.
It's basic common sense, really.
I prefer random loot. It's one of the things were gameplay trumps realism.
The only way I see thematic loot working is with a complete change of the loot system or classification.
Yes, I agree.
Dwemer gear should only be found in Dwemer ruins.
Orcish gear should only be found among Orcish NPCs or at the Shrine of Malacath.
Daedric gear should only be found at the Shrine of MD.
I got a mod that replaced gold with septims and then added different coins as loot to nordic and dwemer ruins, helped a bit
But yeah, one thing I miss from Morrowind is rare loot being, well, rare. There was what, 2 sets of daedric armor in the game?
Although really, finding fresh food and alchemy ingredients in tombs sealed for thousands of years kind of messes with it too. I guess they were left behind by whoever lit all the candles >_>