LOL!!! Guess I'll just stick with my Pipboy edition. Interested to see what were the goodies. The 2 that were exposed, hoodie (I own), and plush dogmeat don't care about so, may not shed too many tears on this one.
LOL!!! Guess I'll just stick with my Pipboy edition. Interested to see what were the goodies. The 2 that were exposed, hoodie (I own), and plush dogmeat don't care about so, may not shed too many tears on this one.
no surprise there. I'm sure we'll see an insurgence of ebay postings jacking the price to 400 bucks a pop.
I'm making Vault 111 hoodies on Spreadshirt and selling them on Ebay for $50.
Might not be a good idea, Bethesda already sells Vault 111 hoodies and would possibly take action against you.
Eh, I'm not upset. Asking to gamble $100 on items we have no details on was a bit ridiculous.
The process was flawed from the beginning. I clicked on the link in the email and was sent to an error page. I tried for over half an hour to log in. I even requested a password reset only to be told my account didn't exist. The dark humor of it all? As soon as everything was gone, I was able to log into the page without issue.
I, for one, am not very pleased... It would have made a fantastic birthday gift for my son...
It's a shame it was handled so poorly.
You can probably get most of what is in it off of the merch store anyway.
I'm not a big collectibles and 'Plastic crap" fan so I didn't get involved with the lootcrate thing, but I did buy some more functional items from Bethesda's merch store, like a beer Mug, and a zip up hoodie, as well as the Art book and special edition survival guide. Mainly so I don't have to go on wikis etc and risk getting things spoiled for me that I don't want to see. Much more in conrtol of that with a book compared to a digital guide or videos. Also I like books, one of the few things I DO collect.
Sorry Liquidcurry. Many a thing that Bethesda puts it's name on seem to have "bugs". I too received error after error only to find out once I did get in that it was SOLD OUT! LOL. I'm sure it will be available on ebay for $400+. As for me, I'm ordering a Royal blue jumpsuit and making my son his own vault suit for his birthday (using tutorial on bethblog website). Additionally, I ordered the Fallout Monopoly and a couple Fallout Pop figures for him. This should be present enough on top of his own FO4 xbox one version of the game. Hope this helps and good luck with son's bday!
That is entirely Lootcrates Fault. Not Bethesda's.
lol. Again, no dispute here just the funny coincidence that when it has Bethesda's name on it, expect bugs. I'm a huge Beth fan but have accepted they are flawed and do little to fix these flaws. Just saying...I wish it weren't true.
lol i didnt even try to get it, couldnt get the Pip-boy edition since it was out when i come from work, so i knew this was going to be the same.
Apparently, they didn't anticipate the impact that a Bethesda crate would have on the virtualzied systems. From the error messages I received (as well as the we pages I had to permit) they use Amazon servers and this crate response essentially crippled the poor things.
Now if only the Mr. Handy repair facilities hadn't been svcking up so much processing power....
Out of an advertised $150 value, the hoodie goes for $60 on Bethesda's site. The plush'd probably retail for ~$10. So $70. That leaves $80 of value spread among the remaining 5 items. So maybe one more item that's actually really exciting, and the rest'd probably end up being smaller gimmicks.
For some reason, part of me is annoyed that people bought into this so quickly. I wish it didn't sell out as fast as Bethesda wanted.
I was really disappointed that the crate was over $100, I was hoping for around $20 or $30 of stuff. But I guess Bethesda know what they're doing.
Not upset at all. Really it was only there for the hard core collectors.
My son has been an even bigger fan of Fallout than I have. I even got him a Nuka Cola lighter. I was bummin that the Pipboy edition sold so quickly but got over it. I will find a way to print him one that fits his Note 4. There are some cool stl's. Now I get to sit back and camly wait for Nov 11th like everyone else...
Beth's getting pretty ridiculous with the pricing, I wasn't getting any of the plastic junk they're selling. But $100? Way to much....But like they say there's one born everyday...
The pricing probably wasnt beth's idea. Lootcrate was probably sold some liscences of the game and lootcrate sold those fallout4 games along with i believe it was 7 other items. $100 for a kind of collectors edition is actually fair pricing. considering there's 7 other items in there.
I'm kinda bummed i wasn't able to get my hands on one but what can you do? (no im not buying one overpriced on e-bay, i think e-bay is the devil lol)
I usually don't buy this kind of merchandise because I never know what to do with it. But some 2 years ago I got an online gift certificate, had it sitting aroundd for a long time and then it was close to expiry date. Was browsing the EA store for some reason and found this merc section and saw this awesome N7 hoodie (from Mass Effect) and thought, why not? Turns out to e a great hoodie. Wore it to work one day and lots of people recognized it. People at work onw call me "Commander" and it's starting to spread to others...
It's kind of nerdy to wear gaming clothes but sometimes I enjoy the nerdiness of it. Saw some guy running around (working out) in a Vault Dweller track suit some time ago. Brought a smile on my face!
I'm just assuming now that people who aren't even planning on playing F4 are buying out anything they can get their hands on hoping to make some big profit down the road.
You KNOW they are. People are greedy underhanded fu@#s. Another reason i believe E-bay is the devil! lol
Not surprising when you go to reddit and you see people who's like; "lol I just bought lootcrates for 5.2 million dollars lol imma rich lol". Go away, braggers.