Lootification - Automatically enchant and distribute modded

Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:15 am


There are many great mods that add weapons and armor to Skyrim but they all suffer the same basic problem: They don't do a great job getting their new items out in the world of Skyrim. The better mods will add their items to a few leveled lists but even then you won't find enchanted versions. This isn't the modder's fault, Bethesda made it very time consuming to enchant and distribute new weapons and armors. Fortunately Lootification makes it very easy. Its a SkyProc patcher that automatically enchants and distributes mod added weapons and armor.

What does it actually do?
Say you are using Crafting300, which separates material type from weapon style, because it modifies leveled lists you could find a moonstone orcish sword, but because of how hard bethesda made it to make and distribute enchanted items you will never find a moonstone orcish sword of frost. Lootification on the other hand handles the gruntwork and automatically creates enchanted versions of modded weapons and then adds them to leveled lists where appropriate. So using lootification and crafting300 you could find a moonstone orcish sword of frost, and it would have a chance of showing up where you would normally find a similar quality enchanted item in vanilla, in this example anywhere an elven sword of frost would show up.

Lootification also has the benefit that all modified leveled lists retain their relative item rarity. For example in the vanilla game a level 22 bandit has 1 1/11 chance of having an elven weapon. If you use a mod that adds a number of steel weapons and the author went through the trouble to add them to the leveled lists most of the time it greatly increases the odds of a steel weapon while decreasing the odds of other ones. Lootification keeps the odds the same no matter how many weapons are added.

Lootification also runs based on your leveled lists. If you are using a mod like morrowloot that changes the leveled lists or have made your own custom changes the patcher will pick up on this and use that as the basis for what should go where. Tweak leveled lists to your heart's content and make all the mods you use support them.

On top of all this version 0.5 adds support for matching outfits. Instead of bandits having scaled gauntlets, hide armor, leather boots and a fur helmet and looking like a clown they will have matching sets of whatever quality armor the game picks for them based on their level. Again this doesn't change the odds of a particular quality item showing up so the bandit would still have a lower chance of getting scaled gear than fur at the same odds of vanilla, but if he got scaled gear all his gear would be scaled.

How do I use this crazy thing?
Version 0.5 makes lootifying your mods vastly easier. Mod information is now loaded from an xml database individual patches are (mostly) no longer needed. Make sure Lootification.esm is active in your load order and make your merged patch using Tes5Edit as normal (check below for details if you don't know how to do this). Then run LLI.jar and press the patch button in the top right corner. It will create a custom lli.esp tailored to the mods you have installed with all the enchanted items and leveled lists and outfits to distribute them. Make sure you activate lli.esp and play your game.

In depth usage
For most already supported mods you just have to make sure they are active and run the patcher as mentioned above. However some mods require a little more work. Additionally you can setup support for new mods and send in the xml file with their info in it so everyone can benefit. This way the number of supported mods will grow and make it easier for everyone.

Mods that add their items to leveled lists should have a list free version made, this way their items won't effect the odds of what shows up. I've premade these list free versions for a number of popular mods, check the downloads section under optional files. Download any you use and replace/override the mod's files with the ones in the patch.

Next sort your load order with BOSS and make a merged patch with tes5edit. To make a merged patch open all your active mods, wait for it to finish loading (it will say background loader finished), then right click on the left pane and choose other > make merged patch. Give it a name and wait while it merges leveled lists and items, then save the patch (ctrl + s) and activate it in your load order as the last esp.

Then run LLI.jar to create the lootification patch. It will show a list of all mods it was able to find weapons or armor in on the left side, as well as a settings menu and an outifts menu. You can check if a mod is already supported by clicking on it, it will say it is already lootified. If it isn't yet supported it will give you the option of setting it up. For details of setting up a new mod see below. Once all mods are setup click the patch button in the top right and wait a bit while it works. It can take several minutes for large load orders with many mod added items. It will create a file called lli.esp, activate this as the last file in your load order (below the merged patch!) and you are good to go.

Lootifying a new mod
Open lli.jar and select the mod you would like to patch on the left side list. It will list each weapon and armor with a drop-down box for selecting what vanilla material it should show up as a variant of. The default value will be the material type if specified of the modded item. In most cases this is ok but you should change it if the item is made of something like steel but has stats of a daedric item.

Armors have the additional box to specify an outfit name. All armors with the same outfit name will be considered a set and have a chance to show up together when spawned from an outfit. Once you have set a items material and outfit press the set buttons next to the options. The boxes will highlight in pink and the changes will be saved.

Then go to the outfits menu (it should be last on the left side). It will have each outfit you entered on the mod's page and a series of drop down menus. These menus let you set when the outfit will show up for specific types of npcs. The set will become available at level tier * 3. Set any options you think it should have. Once everything is set press the patch button. Your the mod should now be incorporated into the lli.esp.

Lastly be sure to send me the custom.xml file so I can include that mod as a supported one. Either message me or post a link in the discussion and I'll add it asap.

Big thanks to Leviathan1753 for SkyProc and a ton of help learning how to use it.
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:03 pm

it's finally done!

how did the file size scaling turn out?
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:50 am

File size doesn't seem to be a problem, the crafting 300 plugin has like 20k entries and its only 12mb. Which is large for a plugin but should be fine since dawnguard and dragonborn are both a lot larger.

I should mention this doesn't use any in game scripts or quests so removing it shouldn't cause any harm.

I'll also take suggestions for mods to lootify to help get the ball rolling. If you can tell me what the modded items should mimic from vanilla I can make a patch pretty quickly.
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Sam Parker
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:36 am

Nexus page: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/32339

in case anyone wanted

Some suggestions for mods to lootify:
immersive weapons
lotr weapons
better bows
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Jon O
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:01 pm

Love the idea of this mod. Makes adding to weap/arm leveled lists, and enchants no less, a breeze, something that is otherwise extremely tedious. A shame there isn't a version of this that could change bulk item pricing or stats of both enchanted and unenchanted weapons/armors.

I'm curious though; you state in the OP that this mod will REPLACE the type you choose. Don't you mean that the ivory armours will appear alongside ebony, in places ebony is meant to appear?

Also: a question to the type selection method. You're required to choose a similar material type to your weapons/armour, a smart move. The similar item leveled lists: are they drawn from the game files you currently have, or the base game files? For example, if I change the leveled lists that ebony armour appears in, before using this mod to make ivory armour appear in ebony armour's leveled lists, will ivory armour appear in my modified leveled lists, or in the places where ebony armour originally appeared?

Hope my questions were clear!

In a slightly different tangent, could I possibly make a request for a similar program? I don't know moot about programming to interact with Skyrim's files, hence a request.

Would it be possible to make a similar program that affects prices and/or stats of bulk items, enchanted and non? Given there is a basic formula that weapon/armour prices are worked out from, it could be possible to have a program that affects prices as such: You could have a material selector, and then an input box for each type of weapon/armour (Sword, dagger, bow, shield, head, chest, etc etc etc). By adding a new value to the box, you change the value for that (Material) (Weapon).

Then, you could have an enchanting column of input boxes, where you list the default 'weight' of each base enchant. This may require its own tab as there'd be quite a few - a box for each enchant appearing in the game. You set the weights for each enchant, and this in conjunction with the base value you input, affects the price of the enchanted version of that (Material) (Weapon). So, rapidly, you could change the price of all swords in the game by defaulting all settings, changing the value weight of the enchants (which do not re-default when you change material or weapon type for stable and consistent price changes), then by changing the material, putting in a new base sword value, and hitting 'Go', you've changed the price of ALL enchants and non-enchants for that (Material) (Weapon).

Could this be done, let alone would I be able to request something like it?

Either way, great mod idea, love it, if it works how I think it does (related to above questions), can't wait to use it in my own gaming.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:58 am

Easy enough, if only more people would learn skyproc like Dienes.

the way you describe how you want to reprice enchantments though, it sounds like you want to manually edit the prices of each base enchantment.
Which you would be just as fast to do in the creation kit, and you wouldn't need a batch processor tool like skyproc to do it

What I'm trying to say is if you're simply trying to cut the weight of every enchantment based magic effect in the game by half, then skyproc makes sense.
If you want to cut the price for some items in half, and others by a third, and something else by 8.5%, and so forth, then you might as well go into the creation kit and do it yourself by hand.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:32 pm

small minor issue since using this and the C300 patch ya made. was playing and got the vanilla games glass battlewar axe and the C300 version (ornate glass battle/war axe, which ever the 1 handed axe is ) basiclly giving me 2 different versions of the same weapon.
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:35 am

Aah, what I'm trying to do, basically, is reprice everything in the game. Yeah, it's a hell of a task, I know, but I'm doing a pretty large 'vanilla' Skyrim mod; think USKP, but gameplay changes rather than bugs. A big issue in Skyrim is the economy, obviously, and I believe I've come very close to fixing delaying people from accruing millions of septims without thinking, and making gold and purchases matter more, without scripting, like a few other economic mods do - so, in essence, you could indeed use any economic mod over my changes as you please.

So what I'd be after is changing both the base prices of all the weapons and armours, then their enchanted-variant prices. Since there are reams of these items, I figured some kind of batch processor tool would make this a hell of a lot easier to do, then tweak, rather than having to plan it all on paper, change it by hand, then pray it's balanced. If it is possible to go into the CK, change the base weapons/armour prices, then change the enchantment value weights, so that when these two things come together as an enchanted variant of their base item, their price reflects the combination of the enchantment value weight and the base price of the item, that'd be easy as pie, and not so time consuming as to be hella-daunting without a tool.

As my Skyrim copy is in shambles (stripped the mods from it, need to clean out my install, update to Dragonborn, grab CK and update it) I can't really check these things right at this moment, but is the above possible in the CK? Or do I literally have to track down every listed enchanted variant of an item and change its value? That's just downright insane....

Still keen to know how Lootification works in regards to modified leveled lists and whether or not it replaces items, or adds to the same list as those items. Cheers!
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:09 am

skyproc can replace items, but I cant imagine its common practice.
not much point in doing so.

as for enchanted item pricing, you only need to change the enchantment weights and price on the base, unenchanted weapons and armors.
you dont need to change he price on the enchanted versions, CK works that part out on its own.
that wouldnt take more than an or two hour to sift through all the common armors, weapons, and enchantment weights by hand.
so im not sure skyproc is necessary unless you want to systematically do it for all vanilla items as those added by mods.
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:57 pm

Right, so the OP means, basically, that Lootification adds the items to the same leveled lists as the selected item types. So Ivory armour would be added to all the lists (and enchants) ebony armour is in. Okay, that's great! /biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

Second question, as in my last post: If I change the leveled lists Ebony armour is contained in, then try to patch Ivory armour to appear in Ebony armour's lists, does Ivory armour appear in my modified Ebony-armour-leveled-lists, or does it appear in Skyrim's vanilla Ebony armour leveled lists. Basically coming down to that I want to change what armour is where in leveled lists, and I want to know if when people add new armours on top of my mod and Lootify it, will they go into the new LLs I've set?

Brilliant. Thank you for A: saving me a lot of time and concern and B: making a massive part of my mod plans now possible to me. I'm still in the planning stages (I am a super intricate planner - the actual modding stage is just following steps for me. :3), and you just took a huge chunk out of my 'tedious' list. :3
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Penny Courture
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:26 am

At the moment it will add them where Ebony armor originally was. Under the hood I made new leveled lists for each weapon/armor that contains only that item. Then I replaced all the entries in the vanilla leveledlists with the sublist for that Item. For example I made SublistIronBoots, sublistIronGauntlets,sublistIronCuirass, and sublistIronHelmet. Then the leveled list IronSetAll that used to be: IronHelmet, IronGauntlets, IronCuirass, IronBoots, is now the sublists. When you add an item it gets added to the sublists instead of the regular lists so you don't end up with people carrying around 5 cuirasses because you made 5 variants.

If you made only a few edits to the leveled lists the easiest thing to do would be change the item reference to the appropriate sublist reference instead, then anything you add will show up correctly. If you made a lot of edits you might want to hold off on using this for a little. The patcher is capable of rebuilding the leveled lists from your current load order but it is a little temperamental so I have that part disabled in the release version. I intend to release that part as well once I get it working better.
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:47 am

Oh, so it literally DOES replace the items? So if I add ivory armour, to continue the example, I will no longer be able to get ebony armour from those leveled lists in game? Is that what's happening? Not exactly what I expected, to be honest. I wouldn't want to go removing base armours for the game to introduce new ones; often I find armours made aren't replacers so much as additions and gap fillers.

I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this, however! Looks like it definitely has legs. /biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:34 am

Sorry no, it doesn't remove anything, it just kind of shuffles the leveledlists so item rarity and how many are actually spawned doesn't change. With the ebony example you would have a 50/50 chance of either ivory or ebony stuff spawning, but not both from the same entry.
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:21 pm

Riiight, so it WAS how I thought, I see I see. Your OP + a few other posts kept implying, simply by word choice I think, that the ivory literally replaced ebony in the leveled lists when patched. No, that's much better.

However, since I'll be making some major modifications to the base leveled lists, I can see things going awry trying to use this. I'll hold off until you work out that feature in a less bugged manner, but will keep a close eye on the utility! Cheers for the prompt answers, and good work!
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:38 pm

Free bump.

It'd be a shame if an ambituous mod like this did not get enough attention.

If I gave you a file with nothing but enchantments, would your mod apply them to items throughout the game?
Or does it need information, like what tier an enchantment is, that would be likely missing from a player made mod?
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:33 am

I've Lootified Armonizer, 3rd era weapons, and weapon variants expansion, as well as a few smaller ones too. If anyone is holding their breath for a particular mod feel free to request it and I'll see what I can do.

Not quite but I think its would be simple to adapt it. If you are able to map your new enchants onto vanilla ones it should be easy to modify my code to get them spread around. If you want to do it yourself help yourself to my source in the op. Or if you want some help gchat me and we can hammer out something together.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:16 am

The most recent update now takes your live leveled lists instead of just the vanilla ones and adds the lootified weapons and armors to them. I've also added some more premade patches including one for the dragonborn weapons and armor (requires dragonborn obvs).
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Post » Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:46 am

I just finished a major rewrite of how plugins are lootified. No longer will you need to make several patches, and hopefully you won't have to even fiddle with settings. The patcher now reads an XML file with all the information about the mod and lootifies items based on whats listed there. This means as people lootify more mods (and send in their XML! ) more mods will be recognized out of the box making it easier for everyone. Right now all the mods I had posted premade patches are supported out of the box as well as a couple other ones. Non-supported mods can still be added using the gui. When you lootify a new mod the new xml will be saved to Custom.xml in the skyproc patchers/lli/ folder. If you like the way it turned out please send it to me and I will include it in the default XML so everyone can use it.

Additionally I added support for matching outfits. In vanilla and previous lootification versions a bandit could end up with scaled gauntlets, a fur hat, hide armor, and leather boots; now he will get a matching set of armor. This doesn't change the rarity of a particular style so scaled is still less common than fur, but if a bandit gets scaled he won't look like a clown.

On top of that I added 'tiered' armors for some outfits. This lets you specify what level a new armor will show up regardless of what vanilla armor it is using to be lootified. Currently supported outfits are the various bandit ones, thalmor, warlocks and necromancers. These are again matching sets. In particular this lets the various higher level sets from immersive armors and armonizer show up on bandits without giving them silly things like dragonplate too. The level a tiered outfit will show up at is the tier number * 3, so a tier 6 armor will show up at level 18.

As this is a fairly significant change under the hood there may be some bugs, please let me know if you run into any difficulties using it or if you feel I've messed something up with assigning variants or outfit tiers or the like.

Note when upgrading or rebuilding the patch for a game in progress I suggest you wait inside for a cell reset, otherwise npcs will likely be wandering around naked as their outfits have changed.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:11 pm

I have a few questions...I would appreciate if someone could shed some light...

1. If I have a Bashed Patch made using Wrye Bash merging all the leveled lists, should I also need a Merged Patch made by TES5Edit?

2. If so, Which is the purpose of it? Would it conflict somehow with the Bashed Patch?

3. With this new version, Do I still need a leveled list cleaned version of the mods I am using? In one of the shots I tried with Lootification I didn't use a cleaned version for Immersive Armors and it apparently worked...Which are the problems of not using the cleaned versions?

4. How to produce a cleaned version for the mods? Any tutorial somewhere or does it require good modding skills?

5. Currently I use a SkyProc Patch for Dual Sheath Redux...Does it pose any problem?

6: Is it possible just altering the enchanted loot?

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