Brief Into: This is a short story of 35,000 words. It takes place in the Pitt, a city powered by slaves and ruled by Pitt Raiders, under their leader - Ashur. The premise of this story is that a band of Midwestern mercenaries (the marauders) under the command of man named Wyoming have been sent to destroy the Pitt. What follows is the tale of that war and those who took part in it. . .and a little bit of Hamlet to boot.
Lords of the Pitt
“High Lord Ashur must turn to a lowly slave girl for help when a mad wasteland warlord lays siege to his dark kingdom.”
- 1-
The crowd of more than two hundred raiders milled about, hot and irritated under the withering afternoon sun. The different raider factions shoved and jostled one another, trying to grab gulps of water from several Brahmin skin canteens the Marauders were passing around the masses. Those whom had already had their fill tried to push their way into the few spots of precious shade cast by a clump of dead trees towards the center of the mob.
There was a small, makeshift stage in front of the raiders. It was little more than a well piled jumble of rocks that stood empty at the moment. The raiders were getting restless waiting to finally hear from their elusive commander. Their leather armor had grown hot to the touch and their lips were dry and blistered from spending over an hour standing exposed under the sun.
The wind picked up for a moment and blew a wave of irradiated dust into the eyes of the boisterous, irritable crowd.
"Come on already!" a raider in a spiked cuirass screamed. As he wiped a stream of hot sweat off of his bald head, he was joined by a chorus of complaints from the other factions.
As their moans and whining grew into a deafening roar, Wyoming skipped on top of the empty rock platform. He held his muscled arms up into the air until the murmurs of the crowd grew quiet.
Wyoming was a tall, mountain of a man, with a lanky frame and broad shoulders. He was wearing blue combat armor which was in perfect condition. Across the front and back of his armor was the insignia of the Marauders - a drawing of a woman's severed head, being held aloft by a hand which clutched her short, pixy hair. Blood streamed down from the woman's eyes like falling tears.
On top of Wyoming's own head was a shining golden helmet. The helmet was Greco-Roman style; a mohawk of fiery red hairy Deathclaw fur ran like a crest down its center and off its back. The luxurious fur flapped in the desert wind.
At Wyoming's side was an ornate short sword, a little over two feet long, with an evil looking blade. It was tucked into a silver sheath which clanked with each of his steps. Opposite the sword hung three human scalps, tied to Wyoming's belt by the scraggly hair that was still attached to their shriveled skin. They served as macabre reminders of his violent, boundless temper to everyone he came across.
Wyoming put his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. The six other Marauders in the crowd, all wearing new looking combat armor with the Marauder insignia, scampered up in front of Wyoming to keep an eye on the crowd and to keep a safe buffer between the raiders and their leader.
Before Wyoming spoke, his head and mouth jerked to the side in an involuntary facial tick. He collected himself and looked down at the crowd.
"Oh ye, ye of little faith and ye of no faith at all. Ye band of cut throats, bandits, brigands, bounty hunters, drunkards, foul-mouthed-loafers, highwaymen, idlers, loiterers, murderers, muggers, rogues, rapists, slavers, and smugglers!" Wyoming paused; he was out of breath and panted for a moment from lack of oxygen.
He took an exaggerated gulp of air and continued, "ye of little minds and even smaller manhoods. Ye sons and daughters of the ignorant [censored] wasteland who still suffer to svckle from her meager teat. . .you doth ask of me to deliver to thyne a rousing speech? A stirring oration to raise your heads and tweak your hearts for battle? A sermon on thyne mount to draw the true warrior out from the lowly coward that doth dwellith within you?"
Wyoming paused.
The mass of raiders gaped on, mystified by his bombastic speech.
"WELL [censored] YOU! [censored] you, ye who hath no stomach for this fight. Those who hold their manhood so cheap deserve little more than a bullet to the back of the brain from thyne steely weapon. Ye will die unmourned and unhonored, suffocated by the waters of the rushing Acheron, immolated by fiery Plegethon. Ye's last moments shall be spent wallowing naked and broken, crying to your [censored] mothers, from the muddy shores of the pitiless Styx. Such shall be the lot of all of the cravens, deserters, and detestable, pusillanimous scalawags among you."
Wyoming pulled up his helmet a bit which allowed him to spit off the rocks in front of him. His head jerked to the side once more before he continued.
"Only the few, the happy, bold few who chose to be thyne brother and fight with me upon this day for the honor of dear King Minos's only daughter, she whose cold lips hath launched this wasteland armada, a glittering Grand Armee. . .only those brave few shall reap the great bounties of Lord Ashur's dammed kingdom; the glimmering gold, the shining steel, the sparkling jewels of his soon to be shattered crown. Only those few shall gnaw upon the bleached bones of thyne enemies and drive them from their foul pit into the icy embrace of swift footed death. Only those few shall live to see God's heavenly kingdom of the great tomorrow."
Wyoming hopped off the rock stage and paced in front of the raiders. They all seemed to edge back from his erratic, frenzied presence.
"But now. . .now but soft. . .me thinks that thyne time has come, and thy time is thyne time. Time to gather thyneselves for the good fight tomorrow. Time to man the paraqets and ready thyne siege engines. Time to burn the accursed Pitt and send all who dwellith within back to hell. Time to flay the cowards amongst us and wear their dried skins like Brahmin hides into battle! Time to run the wicked Lord out upon the rail and stick his head upon my pike! Time for all to hold your swords on high with banshee roar and charge the hot gates of Lucifer's three rivered kingdom! Time to march ALL banners, onward to HELL
- 2 -
The Steel Yard
Kylie tried to slow her breathing. When she breathed too fast her chest would begin to ache, and she would feel dizzy and nauseous until she was able to burp out all of the excess air. She closed her eyes and focused all of her thoughts and energy on her breathing. She felt her chest expand as the air was pulled in; she lingered on the full feeling of it inside of her lungs. She pursed her lips and let it flow out in one smooth motion. With total concentration she was able to drown out her fear and stifle the terrified screams of the desperate men and women next to her.
Kylie and the other slaves had been forced down a narrow chute on the second floor of the Pitt's steel mill. After they tumbled down it, they had landed inside of a large iron cage. The cage sat at the edge of the steel yard - a sprawling expanse of rusted rail cars, broken buildings, twisting train tracks, and crumbling power plants. The sky above the cage looked gray and yellow and the air was acrid with smoke and rads. The omnipresent pollution that had settled over the miserable city like a brown fog turned every day into a depressing dusk and bleached exposed skin into white ash.
The slaves cowered against one another behind the thick bars of the iron cage. There were ten women and ten men inside, all huddled together, listening to the animal groanings of the legions of savage trogs that prowled the urban labyrinth beyond.
Two raider guards stood atop the iron cage. A wall of floodlights was setup directly behind them. The bulbs bathed the area around the cage in bright white light which blinded the trogs and kept them at bay.
Occasionally, a trog would poke its ugly head out from behind a building or down from a drainage pipe. It would glare at the slaves like they were a fresh meat. One of the raiders standing on top of the cage would then take a shot at it, invariably missing, and scaring the beast away for a moment, before it or another trog would again poke up its head in a never ending game. There were thousands of trogs in the Pitt. More trogs than slaves and their raider bosses combined.
"Oh my God, oh my God," a slave girl rubbed up against Kylie, ruining her concentration. The girl was barefoot - she had on a filthy skirt and nothing else. Her arms were stained black and orange from months of toiling in the mill. The poor girl's eyes were glassed with fear and she was paler then chalk. Drool stuck in the corners of her blistered moth as she shook and panted, "I don't want to die. . ."
The raiders on top of the cage laughed at the pathetic girl below and spat down on her. One of the men in the cage hollered obscenities at them and stuck his hands up between the bars. The raiders stomped down on his hands with their heavy boots until he cringed in pain.
Everett, the malevolent mill Foreman, hopped down from a window above the cage. He landed on top of the bars with a thud. The slaves below ducked their heads as he peered down between the bars with cruel brown eyes. He was a middle aged man with buzz cut hair and a graying mustache. His face was crisscrossed with old white scars and his hands were heavily calloused from working the steel mill since childhood. He was the oldest and highest ranking slave in the Pitt, the other slaves treated him like one of the bosses.
"All right grinders," Everett smiled and began to pull on the chain that opened the cage door, "you all know the drill. Each of you brings ten ingots back here as fast as you can."
Slowly, Everett hauled the heavy front bars of the cage up into the air.
The trogs hidden in the darkness reacted to the grating noise of metal and chain like Pavlovian dogs. They licked their dripping lips and flicked their tongues, ready for the upcoming feast.
After the bars were fully raised, the two raiders fired their rifles into the air to try and scare the slaves out.
"Go you sacks of [censored], get out there and bring me those ingots," Everett snarled, "don't come back into the light until you have at least ten of em!"
The raiders pointed their weapons down into the cage and took aim at the frightened slaves as if they were about to fire.
"No, no!" the slaves shoved one another forward trying to escape from the cage. The pathetic girl next to Kylie was nearly trampled in the frightened stampede. She crawled out of the cage and huddled under the floodlights.
After the men and women exited the cage, they all stood shocked in one large mass. Confused and scared out of their wits, they didn't move, the whole group was immobilized by fear.
A raider standing atop the cage shot the slave who had stuck his hands through the bars in the back of the head. The man collapsed onto the ground. His legs twitched. Blood soaked through his tattered, dirty clothes and pooled around him. A few of the other slaves screamed. The terrified slave girl threw up on Kylie's naked toes.
"Get the [censored] to work!" the raider shouted. He fired a few shots into the pavement between the slaves and the cage. They crackled like popcorn on the blacktop.
The panicked men and women scattered into the darkness.
Kylie heard the sickening sound of bones cracking. The poor slave girl below her was being eaten alive by a pack of fledging trogs that had found her hiding under a boxcar. They had dragged her, kicking and screaming, into an open section of the steel yard before they had begun to feed.
The girl moaned for only a moment before her small body was torn apart by the frenzied, inhuman mob.
Kylie watched the trogs feed from her perch atop a small building. She had found a rusty ladder tucked inside an old dumpster in the steel yard after the initial chaos of release. She had pushed the ladder up against the building, using it to climb on top of the roof. She had remained in that hiding spot for the past two hours, nervously watching the trogs all around her leap from building top to building top, tracking their terrified prey.
Presently, Kylie lay motionless in her position, hoping no trog could see her as she watched a pack of the beasts feed on what was left of the girl.
Trogs had once been people. The pollution and radiation in the Pitt had mutated them into hideous abominations. They looked like they had lost their outer layer of skin. Their bodies were dark pink and slimy, their arteries and veins were exposed to the dirty air. They had long flicking tongues and hell red eyes. They couldn't speak but could howl like ghosts. Their gums had receded into their skulls leaving them with long white teeth which they used to gnaw on bones.
The group of six trog fledglings continued to chew on the dead slave girl. One lifted up her arm and bit off her thumb with a crunch. It swished her finger around its mouth with its serpent tongue and svcked the warm flesh off the bone.
Kylie felt ill. She closed her eyes to the gore and pivoted her head away, looking down to the other side of the steel yard. The initial screams of the slaves had died down over the past two hours. The intermittent cries of men and women being hunted down and eaten had given way to an eerie calm. Now the steel yard was silent, save the occasional howls of the trogs.
Kylie wondered if any of the other slaves were still alive. They could be hiding like her, or silently gathering up ingots from the yard.
Ingots. . .
When Kylie squinted into the perma-dusk to her left she could see two specks of silver light twinkling from a high metal shelf. They were next to a old dumpster on top of a rusty loading dock. As Kylie focused on the twinkle, the image crystallized into two steel ingots, lying beside a broken auto transmission. The ingots weren't too big; they were lumps of pure steel molded into one foot bars. Since metallurgy was difficult out in the harsh wastes, and all iron mining had ceased, the steel ingots had more value then gold.
Kylie tried to think of any easy way to slip down from her perch and snatch up the ingots. Hiding may save her life for the moment, but she knew there would be no hope of surviving out here for very long. There was nothing to eat and nowhere safe to hide from the hideous predators. The raider bosses had sealed up every entrance and exit to the yard, save on the south side, where the yard gave way to the crumbling sections of the Pitt still overrun by trogs.
There would be no escape from the yard or the vicious trogs without ten ingots.
Kylie slipped over the side of the building and clawed her way down to the ground as quietly as she could. Once she reached the blacktop, she remained in place for a moment, panting, and waiting to see if she had been spotted. Wind blew down into the yard from the tall hills that surrounded the city. The cool air fluttered what was left of Kylie's tattered slave dress and chilled her to the bone. The smoggy air made her choke. She fought back a cough and focused on the loading dock and the ingots.
A large trog savage paced back and forth atop a rail car off to Kylie's right. It was the only beast she saw near her. When it began to walk away, Kylie shuffled on her hands and knees over to the loading dock. Once there, she watched as its glistening head bobbed up and down and then disappeared from view.
The ingots were on a large metal shelving unit, on the fourth shelf up from the ground, which was a bit over Kylie's head. She crept up to the shelf and blindly fumbled for the ingots with her fingers. As Kylie tried to flick one of the ingot's corners over the edge to get a better grip on it, her eyes locked on a strange yellow object in front of her. It was an old circular saw, used for cutting lengths of metal pipe. The round blade was old and rusted. Its yellow handle looked well worn.
Kylie looked up again and could just see the ingot poke out over the shelf's edge. She jumped up to snatch it, but her fingers missed. As she went to try again, she heard a loud moan.
The trog savage from the rail car was now less than ten feet from Kylie, shuffling towards her on its spindly arms and legs like a hellish insect. The savage's tongue flicked out and came within inches of her face. Viscous goo dripped down from its slick skin. Its lips retracted over long white teeth.
Kylie's eyes widened, her heart raced. She was just about to scream, but instead she spun around and snatched the circular saw from the shelf. The savage lunged at her, but she darted around the nearby dumpster before it could make contact.
The creature swiped its long red arm at Kylie's head as she ducked out of the way. Its sharp claws gauged the side of the dumpster with a sickening squeal. Kylie fell backwards onto her butt. The cold blacktop was freezing. She kicked her legs, pushing herself backwards as the savage charged. As the beast bore down on her, she frantically fumbled with the rusty saw.
The circular saw whined to life. The savage lunged right into the blade; Kylie forced the rusted metal into the creature's face. The saw's crusty teeth bit through the savage's flesh and bone, splitting its skull and spraying globs of blood and bits of gore all over Kylie and the surrounding loading dock.