Oh I've seen plenty to dislike the Trial.

I've just always enjoyed it for it's depiction of Vivec's character.
Not sure if this is true, but I remember reading that now that a large chunk of Morrowind has been destroyed, a very large amount of Dunmer moved to Solstheim and some event went to Skyrim. I wonder if that means there will be Dunmer settlements in Skyrim?
Yes, there will be. It will be quite a delight to call them outlanders
No, he pretended to go along with a trial in order to publically humiliate Azura and (temporarily) break her power, and then left for Aetherius. "The Trial" didn't officially become canon, but aspects of it became canon -- the fact that Vivec has departed the Mundus, for example.
Aradal wondered what happened to Ocato. When I read Keyes' novel "The Infernal City", it never mentioned Ocato; he was apparently long gone when Titus Mede defeated the last warlord of the Imperial City and declared himself Emperor. (I don't have the book in front of me at the moment, but Titus mentions the warlord's name and says that he (Titus) took the Imperial City with only a few thousand troops.)
From what I've been reading on the forums, the remnants of the Empire have been killing off the Blades by the time of "Skyrim". I wonder when that started, and by whom -- maybe Titus, or even before he came to power.
Interesting... If the remnants of the Empire were killing off Blades, I doubt it was by Ocatos hand.
You know that there's gonna be a book talking about how there is a new Madgod who happens to be the Champion of Cyrodiil - and all the followers of Sheogorath just brush the book off as the writings of some crazy idiot.
Taking it a step further, if you have the book on you when you summon the madgod at his shrine, he'll comment on it!
"Ah, you've read my book it seems? I wrote it you know! At least I think I did. Maybe I didn't. I've changed so much since I was mortal. And yet nothing has changed at all. Infact I just visited Dagon again last week. Old habits die hard, even after so long. He tried to kill me right away like always, but for some reason I just love going there and taking his stuff. Grabed so many orbs that I almost couldn't move this time. Say, did you know carrots used to have weight? Ya, that whole weightless thing was me. Hilarious, huh? Carrots! The new cheese...hey, Haskil - Get me some carrots and cheese ready. I'm maken myself hungry... Wait, what was I talking about? Who are you? You want something?"