And real wolves and lions know this.
Do they? Any evidence that wolves and lions are cognizant of the effects of gravity on their dynamics? Or just a instinctual avoidance of heights? (and, falling off)

Again, a lore-accurate IC should still be very beautiful. Again, read the PGE and look at that map. That would be extremely beautiful, and could be incredibly detailed.
I agree with you fully. But I don't think I could stand an entire game in one city.
So. There were miles of landscape around Cyrodiil that you can't get to. And you wouldn't have to use a invisiable wall, so you might be able to use levitation.
Conversely, there will many, many, many more miles in
TES ? The Imperial City that you wouldn't be able to get to either. It's there, but not there. The city the better. Stay in the City. It's good here. I think the Imperial City could have been amazing, but I still wouldn't have spent my entire gaming time in it.
So. I'm fine with this. It could be beautiful.
I'm not. It could be beautiful, of course it could, but perhaps too much of a good thing is bad. And, if they really did make an entire game purely in the City, 100% lore accurate, then we here in the lore forum would be rather bored for a while, having no chance at all to feel smug and criticise to our heat's content at the woeful lore innacuracies.
I think it would work better than Cyrodiil would. They scale destroyed Oblivion. Everything was so small, and the cities barely villages. Jus the IC could be a near 1 to 1 scale, making everything much more realistic.
Realism pertains to generics. Unless they planned to paint every single building a different colour, and used a different style of architecture for every street, then alot of what you would experience would be generic.
Cities are insanely diverse. Walk through New York City and say it's not. In fact, due to the fact that tons of people are confined into a small area you get more diverse than open landscape. How different accents can you here in London, for example. And if The IC was lore accurate, it would be like this, to.
Humans, humans, humans, nord, humans, humans, nord, human, dunmer, human, altmer. No monsters? No Necromancers? Rogue wizards? No banol and inane typical fantasy monsters?
I think you're evicting some of the staple TES villains from their dearly beloved homestays for the sake of your metropolitanism.
Also cities are generally more dangerous than the wilderness. There would be plenty of fights with thugs (like in PS:T) and the like.
In ancient cities like Rome, Babylon, Peking, Byzantium... Perhaps it would be dangerous, but how anywhere can be dangerous in Cyrodiill itself it beyond me. Especially it's capital, where the Legions, recalled, are at thier strength. The Septim Empire, known for it's pedantic fuss over everything, prosecutes man and mer for any breech of the law whatsoever. You picked up a spoon? Either go to jail or serve you time hard labour!
Cities, as a fact are not more dangerous than wilderness. I don't know what you are getting at there. Is London more dangerous than the middle of the Gobi Desert? In the Gobi Desert, you're gonna die, in London, nothing will happen unless you make it happen. (I know. On my 18th I got little tipsy, missed my train home, got locked out and had to tramp it out in some police station I barely found at like 3AM.)