SUB: During the Second Empire the province of Hammerfell was governed as a republic. When the Empire finally dissolved, Hammerfell reverted to a hereditary monarchy led by a High King.
SUB: Whiterun's current prosperity can be traced back to the reign of the Witch-Queen Jsashe, a self-proclaimed Priestess of Lorkhan, who revived the city's dwindling fortunes at the end of the Third Era.
SUB: The islands of Thras in the Abecean Sea are inhabited by a hulking, slug-like race known as the Sload. N'Gasta, author of N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!, was a famous Sload from the Second Era.
EDIT: I sooo want to quote the Aldudagga, but I'll respect the wishes of the OP!