Okay, then what about Morrowind? What was common or generic about that? The setting was completely original.
For example, not one familiar creature can be found in Vvardenfell.
Beyond any previous TES game and certainly beyond Oblivion (Though i?ve never played Arena nor Daggefall).
I mean, what was it about Morrowind that the player could feel identified with? You always feel like an alien, in fact NPC?s treat like one from the very beginning
Morrowind is Chiaroscuro to the nth degree as was Daggerfall.
The Initial Impact comes with the loading screens artwork - parchment with strange neolithic drawings (how ancient do you want it?) and yet there are bright and lively glazes of colour in there promising untold treasures. Ancient and modern. You know it in your waters. And the Music - a truly Imperial mix of Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English - a perfect mix of martial and sedate with a strong uplifting tone - totally new and yet sooo familiar.
The game begins and this theme is continued - a strangely dark dream in which a velvet (deep down you recognised her) voice offers you comfort (Wonder Woman? Mummy?)
... then a rough but kindly voice says wake up and a unique, somewhat battered being is stood there before you giving sensible advice (Daddy?). You know this is ES because it is an ES opening, one way or another you are about to be thrust out from something safe into something dangerous and mysterious - remember the dream? Sure you do and those strangely neolythic creatures in the loading screen artwork are still there working in your mind and you are dying to meet them already - you cannot really get away from them as that wonderful theme music returns again and again. You see Morrowind has already begun to work its magic on you and you were totally unprepared to defend against it because you hardly recognised it for what it is.
Then an Ancient Roman Soldier arrives - you can see that clearly - you have seen Roman Military Uniforms before in films at least and you are guided up onto the deck of an Ancient Roman or Phoenician Trading Ship - yes soon you will leave the womb of the ship! How much deeper and more bloody familiar can you get than that?
There on deck are further Romans all with plummy British accents (you do remember that Great Britain ruled the largest Empire the world has ever known? Sure you do) reinforcing the Imperial theme. And you are in the harbour ...
From there you are escorted into a Mediaeval building - Solid wood and whitewash! And so it continues. This is not over-control such as people are complaining about in Oblivion, you know that a whole world is out there and waiting for you ... mummy told you so and you had that dream - it was dark and scary but you know that you can succeed.
Seyda Neen - small, comfortable looking Mediaeval buildings with Roman Imperial discipline protecting you form that big wide world and the people while not totally welcoming are at least civilised - you can feel safe for a moment. And if you offer kindness the you immediately make good friends. If yuo atttack or rob then you find yourself in a whole heap of [censored]. Your choice. On the edge of the village is a massive creature like a Giant tick or Flea, but that massive strangeness is safely under control - for now ...
Balmora - unique architecture reminiscent of ... ? Balmora, what's in a name? Ah yess, Queen Eliza-beth's family residence in Scotland = Balmoral. There are University students wandering about Balmora ... they are poor but the Temple provides education ... that's what students all over the world want - just not too much study

There you get to meet members of various races again - but they are brusque - you are the stranger and this is a town or city. I wonder what other clues I absorbed but did not recognise ...
From there with the Mages Guild Quests starting from Balmora, or if you walked to Balmora, your first taste of the Ashlands ... Mordor move over! And there are huge thorny plants too ...
The Ascadian Isles is mediterranean/classical = see Turner, De Vinci, etc - pure romance - and if you walk a ways you get to meet some nice peole on the route ... as well as dangerous Scribs ... and more.
And so on - it's all balanced and dovetailed so nicely that you arrive at each stage with both forewarning and total astonishment. You were expecting to meet something new. Lo and behold you did, but you could not have known exactly what it would be like. The familiar and the strange. The dark and the light. chiaroscuro. genius.
Your task if you accept it is to make all those new people into friends - or enemies = your choice.
If you have not had a classical education and recognise none of this then blame your parents, school, government and the damn ignorent console games that ape and rip off classical, but trivialise it and so you have been cheated of your birthright - civilisation.