» Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 am
I have a few points on this
1 - I think lore can be bent to a certain extent, without totally breaking it. if you listened in history classes, you'd know that in 1800, the bible was seen by all as a history book! "it's all facts!". well, in 200 years look at the change. still, the laws of physics haven't changed you know...
2 - I don't really see exactly HOW a few slight changes in gameplay could totally ruin the lore. I'll take the example of riding dragons: just because almost no one did it before, doesn't mean it can't be done. people have been trying to fly for centuries without much success. still, it became possible after enough tries
3 - what EXACTLY tells you that the story books in the game were in fact stories that really happenned in the game world? I mean, I could understand if they were ALL books about the origins of things, but a lot of them are juts a good read. And besides, there might have been some "translation errors". I'll give another examle from the bible: in the original language, "He walked on the water" and "He walked along the border of the water" were written the same way.
4 - Honestly, there's one reason I never could stand playing Dragon Age. the story was good, but honestly, the gameplay was BORING!!!
That's why I think gameplay should be put WAY ABOVE anything else.
5 - Why in the hell is this debate going on anyways? this is Bethesda we're talking about: they've made their reputation by making the most coherent, believable game worlds for RPGs. I don't see why they'd change it
6 - Please, USE YOUR [censored] BRAINS!!!! most of the stuff mentionned in the forums won't ever be in the game, except if mods do it. So please, there are ALREADY enough people showing how difficult to please they are, don't give them YET ANOTHER topic for it!
and BTW this is not a rant on either Lore, or the bible lol. just examples I had on top of my head.