With all previous evidence in mind;
Logren Benirus dedicated his life to Necromancy and wanted to destroy Anvil. Carahill learned of his plot and lead a group of mages into the Manor to kill Logren. After they thought Logren was dead, Carahill and the mages went on to loot and destroy the mansion whilst Logren crawled into the chamber.
Using dark magic, Logren used the secrets in the Tome of Unlife to make himself undead. He must have been using the book at the time and a mage must have cut off his hand (Explaining all the blood on the book) He could not be animate if he was not complete so climbed on top of the alter and went into a state between life and death.
Logren then waited for someone to come and put his hand back in place so he could rise up and destroy Anvil.
It's alot like a film from The Mummy series, Isn't it?
What mage cut off his hand?
One of the ones attacking?
If it was one of the attacking mage's, why would they put it in an Urn in the living room?
The hand is a integral part of his return that he talks about when he is revived by the player...
I don't think one of the mage's of Carahill's group would have had any part of that..
He had to have done that himself, like I said in http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?s=&showtopic=873407&view=findpost&p=12750298, or have been assisted by people that were on his side of things, other necromancers, I would think any way..

Maybe. Kinda hard to tell though, considering it has no flesh. IT might have been part of the ritual he used to become a lich. Interesting tidbit, the daedric lettering reads, "The First" over the small symbol on the left in the first page, and "The last" on the symbol to the right of it.
Well I think his right hand is the one that is missing, and there are two hand prints in the book, one non-bloody one, and one bloody one..
The flesh being gone is not a problem because it is 100 years later, so the flesh would rot away from the hand in the Urn..
I do find that interesting as well about the "First and the Last" part as well... :foodndrink: