» Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:50 am
The red containers and items imply that if you pick those up, the NPCs around you will attempt to destroy your face. In FO3, there were two areas where you could pick up red items and not lose karma (all the stuff belonged to people affiliated with Paradise Falls slavers), but I get the feeling that the code for this wasn't translated properly when Obisidian took the reigns, so even stuff stolen from evil people will damage your karma.
All things considered, jacking some one up isn't a huge hit to your karma rating. Just go kill some feral ghouls or something if you want to be a good guy. Mind you, stealing from the NCR, who are really the closest thing to "good guys" you can get in this world, unless the DC BoS shows up at some point I haven't found yet, is likely a good way to be a bad guy.
Also, Karma, as far as I know, affects how certain people react to you. Although I haven't encountered any situations in NV where this happens yet, in FO3, there were a good few characters who had karma-related conversation options.