Losing Progress 9 times out of 10

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:10 pm

I try to like this game. After leaving when the problems got really bad back before the 2nd patch, I tried getting back in with each new patch.

My problems persist: I join a server, play for a while, get a new level, get weapon unlocks, get awards and level up assessments. Then I leave the server between maps, the game claims it is updating my profile, but 9 times out of 10, the progress is discarded.

I had to try for level 40 about 10 times before it finally stuck. Plus, I think I'm missing a weapon unlock and at least 2 dog tag unlocks.

With the assessments and general XP I've lost all in all, I think I'm missing 2 levels at the very least, and I probably would have reached Armour 12 by now, too (instead of still being at 10).

Is that a general problem? Is there something messed up in my stats? I had problems a few times - though not as bad as it has gotten around level 39. I think getting to level 19 and then 29 took several attempts each. None of the patches seem to help here.
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Rex Help
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:57 am

One thing could be, that your internet connection is not ideal stable. The game is not saving your kills or whatever between the matches or in the matches - JUST when you're leaving a server. When there are problems with sending the data or whatever, there is a lack of information, so your stats won't be saved.

I have UMTS, I know what I'm talking about :D
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Fanny Rouyé
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:00 pm

I've not really had this issue since the early days. I lost unlocks for weapons like the JAW etc. Now though everything is unlocked as it should be. Although I am level 50 and I have one mystery dogtag that isn't unlocked (although that could be the reborn tag, I don't know where that appears). Only thing that has reset recently is retriever and I dunno if that issue has been solved in 1.8
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:29 am

I had the problem again today, after I installed 1.8. I did manage somehow to make level 40 stick today (though this time, I didn't get the unlock I always got before).

The game also had some 20000 xp for me today which just showed up. And a few days/weeks back when I installed 1.4 to check if this was fixed, I suddenly got a weapon unlock I didn't get before, at or about level 39.

Very weird.

My internet connection might not be fast, but it is stable.
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